If you can't fulfil your promise. Don't bother to make one. I was just learning to trust people again, but you pulled me down into that little miserable life of yours. Anyways, you left me. It's predictable isn't it? You come and you go. Come back and hope everything to be normal again. Well, you know what? I ain't gonna let you break me.
And to the one who promised to be like him. I told you not to promise me that. But you were willing to take the risk. Well, see what happened? I think you actually forgot your promise. You may not even remember it.
All the best in the near future!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
love and its kuncu2.
Specially for people like my age:
Love. What is the true meaning of it actually? Is it showing your affection towards the opposite gender or a feeling that makes you happy? many defined love. And all of it are true. But, how do we differentiate love, crush, admire, adore and anything related to it? Some people just mix it up together and call it true love. But after awhile, they found out that this person is not the right one for them. Left the person in distraught.
Sometimes we fight for the one we loved, only to find out they are not in love with us. Sometimes we chase them around, when we won their heart we don't know what else to do. Sometimes we put our hopes high, taller than the Eiffel Tower. Only to watch them crumbling down.
"Do not search for love, Let it come to you"
That's the most popular quote. But do we actually agree with it? From what I observed, my friends who agreed with that quote doesn't practice what they preach. Why search for your true love as early as your teenage life. We still have a long way to go. Very long indeed. Some work hard to search for true love. To rationalize, Just like what I said earlier how do you know that person is the right one for you. How are you going to support her when you can't support your ownself. At a young age our emotions are still unstable. Why search hard for it when Allah has already promise to pair up the Sholihaat with Sholihiin and the bad, likewise.
Maybe, all this thing about searching for love is just an obstacle for us to believe in HIS words. I watched every single love-struck-friends of mine crumbled down. They can't focus. They are blinded in their own fantasy that they forgot about reality. Fantasize to live forever with their true love happily ever after. Now, tell me how you are going to live happily ever after, when you do not obtain a good result to support your true love. (In other words that means, you can't get a good job without obtaining a good result)
I think I have write enough about this. Pardon me if this entry somehow hurt you in any ways. I just need to let it out because I can't let it out to the appointed people in my life. Btw, It is weird thinking about it in the middle of the night. It's like I'm having a major I'm-in-love-and-I-can't-help it-crisis. Thanks to my friends who dealt with this. They inspired me to reflect on this thingy deeply. =)
Love. What is the true meaning of it actually? Is it showing your affection towards the opposite gender or a feeling that makes you happy? many defined love. And all of it are true. But, how do we differentiate love, crush, admire, adore and anything related to it? Some people just mix it up together and call it true love. But after awhile, they found out that this person is not the right one for them. Left the person in distraught.
Sometimes we fight for the one we loved, only to find out they are not in love with us. Sometimes we chase them around, when we won their heart we don't know what else to do. Sometimes we put our hopes high, taller than the Eiffel Tower. Only to watch them crumbling down.
"Do not search for love, Let it come to you"
That's the most popular quote. But do we actually agree with it? From what I observed, my friends who agreed with that quote doesn't practice what they preach. Why search for your true love as early as your teenage life. We still have a long way to go. Very long indeed. Some work hard to search for true love. To rationalize, Just like what I said earlier how do you know that person is the right one for you. How are you going to support her when you can't support your ownself. At a young age our emotions are still unstable. Why search hard for it when Allah has already promise to pair up the Sholihaat with Sholihiin and the bad, likewise.
Maybe, all this thing about searching for love is just an obstacle for us to believe in HIS words. I watched every single love-struck-friends of mine crumbled down. They can't focus. They are blinded in their own fantasy that they forgot about reality. Fantasize to live forever with their true love happily ever after. Now, tell me how you are going to live happily ever after, when you do not obtain a good result to support your true love. (In other words that means, you can't get a good job without obtaining a good result)
I think I have write enough about this. Pardon me if this entry somehow hurt you in any ways. I just need to let it out because I can't let it out to the appointed people in my life. Btw, It is weird thinking about it in the middle of the night. It's like I'm having a major I'm-in-love-and-I-can't-help it-crisis. Thanks to my friends who dealt with this. They inspired me to reflect on this thingy deeply. =)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Yesterday was a bright sunny day. I thought the weather would stay just like that throughout the day. While accompanying my auntie to Mendaki (more like babysitting her pride and joy), We decided to go to east Coast Park to have lunch, cousin and sister dearest tagged along. At first, we decided to take the bus. After a few minutes of compromising, we just realised that the bus is only available during weekends. So we walked through the tunnel. It was just a short distance. But poor auntie carrying an almost 3kg one month old baby is already panting once we reached the foodcourt. Imran is afraid of echoes. Hahaks! We were talking in the tunnel, of course echoe can be heard. Everytime when echoes occured he will hold on tight to the nearest hand he could grasp. Should have take his scared-face picture and show him when his older.
During our lunch the rain started to pour. Aaaaaaaargh! Since it's a weekday I was just thinking to sit on the soft sand along the beach while waiting for my mom to pick us up. But it seem that the weather envy myself. Hmph! We shelter ourselves at the nearby hut. But little Imran is getting naughty-er by the day he started to monkey-ing around, destroying abandoned sand castles and chasing birds. The cousins had nothing better to do but to guard him to stay put in the hut. Haiya! Anyways, once the rain started to ease, niat dihatiku akhirnya tercapai. wee!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
rejuvenated? oooh yeah!!
Indonesia Trip was cancelled.. Booo huuu! =(
But, but, my parents are generous to repay it by paying my uncle a visit at Kuantan. Hence, I celebrated my EidulAdha at Kuantan. Gotta be honest that am not too ecstatic about that. I spent last year's Adha there, this year's EidulFithrie there, This year's Eid. There too. To some, its a no big deal. But for me, celebrating Eid with fellow cousins, uncles and aunties in Singapore is a big deal. We can sense the kecoh-ness of the celebration already before we even reach my grandparent's house.
However frustrated i was, the celebration this time was otherwise *in Kuantan. Early in the morning, we went to the mosque, did our Solat then documenting the sacrifices, watching it make us laugh so hard. Hasbi *my cousin* Put on a brave act and snatched the rope a way from an old man. But then, when the cow is getting nearer and was escaping from the rope with a great force he let go of the rope and run like a *cough2* pondan. After the sacrifices, we go back to my uncle's house then eat. We spent half of the afternoon sleeping. Ah yes! It's a bliss. Sleep is my treasure nowadays. too precious. More precious than anything else.
Okay.. Let's skip to the most enjoyable part of this trip.
Since the boys *my cousins* volunteered with the sacrifices, my uncle treat us to go to the Waterfall, if, the weather is bright! weeee heee!! Yah2, I go to Kuantan nearly every 3 months. But... I've not been to the waterfall since I was 4 or so. So, it has been 10 years since I last step into that charming yet cunning water. So, that morning, the heavy-sleeper woke up very early in the morning and didn't sleep after Subuh. What a miracle! At about 10am we reached the waterfall, and the fun begins! Let the pictures do the talking. You have to experience it to understand what i'm talking about. Although i experienced a near-drowned incident it is still fun. Thats the kind of adventure I would love to experience. No pain no gain.
But, but, my parents are generous to repay it by paying my uncle a visit at Kuantan. Hence, I celebrated my EidulAdha at Kuantan. Gotta be honest that am not too ecstatic about that. I spent last year's Adha there, this year's EidulFithrie there, This year's Eid. There too. To some, its a no big deal. But for me, celebrating Eid with fellow cousins, uncles and aunties in Singapore is a big deal. We can sense the kecoh-ness of the celebration already before we even reach my grandparent's house.
However frustrated i was, the celebration this time was otherwise *in Kuantan. Early in the morning, we went to the mosque, did our Solat then documenting the sacrifices, watching it make us laugh so hard. Hasbi *my cousin* Put on a brave act and snatched the rope a way from an old man. But then, when the cow is getting nearer and was escaping from the rope with a great force he let go of the rope and run like a *cough2* pondan. After the sacrifices, we go back to my uncle's house then eat. We spent half of the afternoon sleeping. Ah yes! It's a bliss. Sleep is my treasure nowadays. too precious. More precious than anything else.
Okay.. Let's skip to the most enjoyable part of this trip.
Since the boys *my cousins* volunteered with the sacrifices, my uncle treat us to go to the Waterfall, if, the weather is bright! weeee heee!! Yah2, I go to Kuantan nearly every 3 months. But... I've not been to the waterfall since I was 4 or so. So, it has been 10 years since I last step into that charming yet cunning water. So, that morning, the heavy-sleeper woke up very early in the morning and didn't sleep after Subuh. What a miracle! At about 10am we reached the waterfall, and the fun begins! Let the pictures do the talking. You have to experience it to understand what i'm talking about. Although i experienced a near-drowned incident it is still fun. Thats the kind of adventure I would love to experience. No pain no gain.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
2007 is horrible. There were some wonderful moments but dull, sad, terrible, lonely, miserable moments clouds the wonderful moments. I hardly ever remember those wonderful moments. Just the feeling remain. But i'll survive 2007. December has yet to go through.
Whatever it is, I just want 2007 to leave ASAP! Hopefully 2008 will be a better year InsyaAllah. Anyways I hate my new spectacles! It makes me look nerdy. The frameless one got broken. hehe. Besides, i've been using it for 2 years now. And, so far that was a record for me since most of my spectacles doesn't survive for more than 7 months. this one is lucky!
Whatever it is, I just want 2007 to leave ASAP! Hopefully 2008 will be a better year InsyaAllah. Anyways I hate my new spectacles! It makes me look nerdy. The frameless one got broken. hehe. Besides, i've been using it for 2 years now. And, so far that was a record for me since most of my spectacles doesn't survive for more than 7 months. this one is lucky!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Council Camp is finally over. I can say that I fit in very well in my group. I was much comfortable in this year's group than last year's. The camp was great! Although it doesn't level up to my expectation it was still great. I love the accomodation! Please, please, please make it a tradition! Dun listen to the survival mode suggestion. Hahaks! *eh the words rhyme lah!* The most challenging activity would be guarding our flag and snatching others. I forgot what it's call lah. Poor Sir Nash was scolded by Izzul. During this period also my headache menjadi-jadi. Actually it was there since afternoon. That's the reason why I'm a tad quiet.
The camp is not physically challenging. I dun get it why too many coucillors are injured. And some brags about it. I did feel the pain too. It's a muscle ache, so? What's the big deal? My group members experience it too but they are strong enough to get through with the camp. Well done guys! Maybe, the upcoming camp should test our endurance. It's ok to complain and stuff but please dun whine. If you know it'll be tough and you can't handle it then better off at home. Dun waste ur parents money. I understand those injured. But I dun understand those who whined. Ur a councillor toughen up a bit.
However fantastic-al the camp was, I could die of thirst! The food is sufficient. But the amount of water was tooooooooo little. Not enough. This is a feedback not whining. Hahaks!
I haven't had a full rest after the camp. The day after, I have my Maths classes already. And I slept in class. How embarassing! My tutor was calling me but I didn't reply him. Nabil and his sister is already laughing at me. I think my tuition-mates realised that I was asleep. Today, had netball practice. Which i waited for hours for the ball and captain to arrive. I was left alone at the court for nearly 2 hours! Herk! Herk! Herk! Closety came up with the idea that my teammates are pulling a prank. Nice one closefriend. Played only for about 45 minutes until the rain keeps pouring up til this hour. I hate December! It's always pouring. But everything is not in our will right? We don't have power to control over things. We don't have power to control people's heart nor their mind. Right closety?
~Am dissapointed but still living happily~ =D
The camp is not physically challenging. I dun get it why too many coucillors are injured. And some brags about it. I did feel the pain too. It's a muscle ache, so? What's the big deal? My group members experience it too but they are strong enough to get through with the camp. Well done guys! Maybe, the upcoming camp should test our endurance. It's ok to complain and stuff but please dun whine. If you know it'll be tough and you can't handle it then better off at home. Dun waste ur parents money. I understand those injured. But I dun understand those who whined. Ur a councillor toughen up a bit.
However fantastic-al the camp was, I could die of thirst! The food is sufficient. But the amount of water was tooooooooo little. Not enough. This is a feedback not whining. Hahaks!
I haven't had a full rest after the camp. The day after, I have my Maths classes already. And I slept in class. How embarassing! My tutor was calling me but I didn't reply him. Nabil and his sister is already laughing at me. I think my tuition-mates realised that I was asleep. Today, had netball practice. Which i waited for hours for the ball and captain to arrive. I was left alone at the court for nearly 2 hours! Herk! Herk! Herk! Closety came up with the idea that my teammates are pulling a prank. Nice one closefriend. Played only for about 45 minutes until the rain keeps pouring up til this hour. I hate December! It's always pouring. But everything is not in our will right? We don't have power to control over things. We don't have power to control people's heart nor their mind. Right closety?
~Am dissapointed but still living happily~ =D
Friday, November 30, 2007
I'm tired! Woke up early in the morning report for work at 8am. Yups! I got a job, just to fill in my boredom. Then, rush for Group meeting. So far I had a blast during our meet. Zulza with his constant pouting. !!Adik!! and her shy-ness. Kak Aini with her merepek-ness. Kak Arifah beind teased. Uwais and his never ending "thinking" face. Only three people attended today's meeting. But it was fun, still. We re-do our group cheer. Which after !!Adik!! complains that it is a little crappy. Well personally I think the cheer is crappy too, but it is out of the ordinary. Thats why I like it! Anyhow, Zulza and I re-do the cheer from head to toe. And it was pretty good. It's a combination of three songs. Look out for this "unique" yet "enjoyable" cheer councillors! and of course teachers too *duh!
well, holiday season is ending. we have at least a month to prepare for next year. Time fly very fast eh? I have to go to Bras Basah tomorrow to buy my textbooks. Hopefully someone is willing to accompany me. I hate going out alone. I've been busy babysitting Imran and his little brother too. That little kid grow up too fast. last time I check he was just learning how to walk. Today he's already running and jumping up and down the bed. Sigh! It's hard to keep up with him.
There's so many things bugging my mind. With closety not around, it just makes it harder for me to express myself. Yup2.. Thats how dependent I am. It's Closety's fault! Hees. Oh! btw, my sister is coming back from KL tonight. It's a school trip or something. I enjoy being alone at home during the day though. At least when she's not around I can sleep without the lights turn on. Personally, I think sleeping with the lights off is better. It took me hours to sleep when the lights are turn on. Thats the reason why I am constantly yawning during school hours and tutoring session.
Blogger sucks, for now!
well, holiday season is ending. we have at least a month to prepare for next year. Time fly very fast eh? I have to go to Bras Basah tomorrow to buy my textbooks. Hopefully someone is willing to accompany me. I hate going out alone. I've been busy babysitting Imran and his little brother too. That little kid grow up too fast. last time I check he was just learning how to walk. Today he's already running and jumping up and down the bed. Sigh! It's hard to keep up with him.
There's so many things bugging my mind. With closety not around, it just makes it harder for me to express myself. Yup2.. Thats how dependent I am. It's Closety's fault! Hees. Oh! btw, my sister is coming back from KL tonight. It's a school trip or something. I enjoy being alone at home during the day though. At least when she's not around I can sleep without the lights turn on. Personally, I think sleeping with the lights off is better. It took me hours to sleep when the lights are turn on. Thats the reason why I am constantly yawning during school hours and tutoring session.
Blogger sucks, for now!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Kan tgh holiday...?
Forget about the job application~ I actually got a job as a fliers distributor. The pay is quite ok.. working hours are from 5-9pm. Pay is $5 per hour. Called the person and the next hour... Taaa Daaaaa! i'm hired!! weee! But then... here comes the obstacle. Tuition will start soon. A-maths class is starting really soon, Pure science lessons will start soon. I have no idea how I am going to enjoy this holiday. Hmph! Plus, the weather is not so good these days. Blame me for dreaming to be a surgeon. Huh~ But chasing your dream is good right? Just like closety always said "Believe in your dreams" Hahahaks! Well, I am not the focused kind.
Anyways, Say Hi to Keluarga Badrun's latest addition. Welcome to the world! brace yourself for an interesting adventure little one!
Anyways, Say Hi to Keluarga Badrun's latest addition. Welcome to the world! brace yourself for an interesting adventure little one!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
School's out scream and shout!! is it better for me to take up a job or simply lay in bed all day or waste my allowance on clothes and shoes? Hmph!
Oh! Bedok sell the most affordable clothes lah sey! Very cheap! I bought a long sleeves dress for only $1 and it has great designs on it too.. Worth it! Gotta go shopping at bedok more rather than Bugis!
Oh! Bedok sell the most affordable clothes lah sey! Very cheap! I bought a long sleeves dress for only $1 and it has great designs on it too.. Worth it! Gotta go shopping at bedok more rather than Bugis!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm Over the Moon!

Back to the old days. It has been a long time since I played Ice & Water, Police and thief and hide-and-seek. Since we attended for the sexuality workshop, we missed the Indoor games completely. We get bored easily, and soon found out a rusty game from a childish brain to play hide-and-seek, shortly after we played ice & water, Police & thief and lots of other games that are meant for little children. Anyhow, I did enjoy myself today. =D
Until one of the teachers had to interrupt the fun of course. Don't they have anything better to do? Like, recording the students' grades into their report book or something?
Niwae, I found a weird sandwich today. Would you like to eat a sandwich filled with tuna, spicy tuna, chocolate, topped with thousand island. Sounds horrible rite? The look of it freaks me out. I bet, the Exco members ate that one. Hees!
If you are very curious. You might wanna try it out! MAI students speacialised in that particular sandwich. Have a taste, and tell me what it taste like. Maybe, it turns out to b good, than MAI will have another source of income than just having soo many Fridays waste for tabung jumaat. No hard feelings yar. Just stating my view ;)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Joy!! Exam is Over!! Yay!!
Ok so, we got our papers back from the respective teachers. I'm not so proud of my performance this season. I suck Big Time! I failed my Science paper! 47/100?? What the heck?? I stayed up all night studying scince. Neglected my Ulumul Quran. Then I failed. Hmph! Just hope that I won't fail my Ulumul Quran. Which I think I will actually.
Hari Raya is almost over. But I just started to warm up. Haiya! Long time no blogging! I miss blogging so much. a lot of things happened in my life. Had a rough start this month. But things are ok now. I'm ok now. I guess I just hafta be a little patient.
Ok so, we got our papers back from the respective teachers. I'm not so proud of my performance this season. I suck Big Time! I failed my Science paper! 47/100?? What the heck?? I stayed up all night studying scince. Neglected my Ulumul Quran. Then I failed. Hmph! Just hope that I won't fail my Ulumul Quran. Which I think I will actually.
Hari Raya is almost over. But I just started to warm up. Haiya! Long time no blogging! I miss blogging so much. a lot of things happened in my life. Had a rough start this month. But things are ok now. I'm ok now. I guess I just hafta be a little patient.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
sometimes it is hard to do the right thing.
Priority. Which is more important? Knowledge? Survival? Friends? Family? Music? Luxury? Huh!~ There were times when we get all confused about it. Or maybe it is just me who get all confused.
Between friends and family. How do you know that your friends are more trustworthy than your family? Are you certain about mixing with the right crowd? There's a saying that our friend is the reflection of us. If we mix around with bad company, coincidently people will judge us as one of them.
Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing.
Between friends and family. How do you know that your friends are more trustworthy than your family? Are you certain about mixing with the right crowd? There's a saying that our friend is the reflection of us. If we mix around with bad company, coincidently people will judge us as one of them.
Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Its still Raya month lahs!
exam season has started. and I predict my Maths tutor will get infected by the exam fever. Why is it that every time exam season visit the school, I will have a very bad fever? Just like last year's and this year's mid-year. Nevermind, I'll bear the consequnces.
I haven't studied a single word from any textbook. well, except for Maths and Fiqh. I just love maths too much lahs!! Its really fun.
I'm slacking science. Anyone care to teach?
I haven't studied a single word from any textbook. well, except for Maths and Fiqh. I just love maths too much lahs!! Its really fun.
I'm slacking science. Anyone care to teach?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
"aku nak balik... balik asal"
"Nanti Raya aku nak balik.. Balik asal" and indeed, his wish came true. My beloved grandfather passed away yesterday morning at 3am. 3rd Syawal, 3rd day of Raya, 3am in the morning. I felt so alone and lost when he's gone. Thanks to Ain for comforting me.
My grandfather meant alot to me. he's the one who taught me how to ride the bicycle. He's the one who got me addicted to Geylang's foodcourt. And. He's the one who adds up my pocket money.
When the nurse called us at 2+++++am my heart suddenly sank. She didn't inform us that granddad was in the verge of death. When we reached the hospital it was already 3am. she informed us that grandfather was gone. Forever. Never coming back.
He opened his eyes on the 1st day of syawal. But was on pain killer (morphine) by the next day. I was content as I have the opportunity to at least accompany him at the hospital til his very last breath.
I was shocked as his condition was progressing on the last day of Ramadhan. But stagnant on the 2nd day of Syawal. I didn't expect him to leave us so soon. But if it's the best for him then I have nothing else to say. Besides, it is time for him to leave after 82 years of serving Allah.
His departure was calm and peaceful. He even had a smile on his face.
*I wish closety was there*
My grandfather meant alot to me. he's the one who taught me how to ride the bicycle. He's the one who got me addicted to Geylang's foodcourt. And. He's the one who adds up my pocket money.
When the nurse called us at 2+++++am my heart suddenly sank. She didn't inform us that granddad was in the verge of death. When we reached the hospital it was already 3am. she informed us that grandfather was gone. Forever. Never coming back.
He opened his eyes on the 1st day of syawal. But was on pain killer (morphine) by the next day. I was content as I have the opportunity to at least accompany him at the hospital til his very last breath.
I was shocked as his condition was progressing on the last day of Ramadhan. But stagnant on the 2nd day of Syawal. I didn't expect him to leave us so soon. But if it's the best for him then I have nothing else to say. Besides, it is time for him to leave after 82 years of serving Allah.
His departure was calm and peaceful. He even had a smile on his face.
*I wish closety was there*
Saturday, October 06, 2007
its the 25th of Ramadhan already! I have yet to bake cookies, buy new shoes and clothes! I'll be dead by the end of this month. Slept for 2 hours everyday. Only God knows what I did during the wee hours. *sigh*
Went to Joo Chiat to shop for Raya needs. But as usual, nothing interest me. The clothes aren't as gorgeous as last year's. This year, practically all boutiques sell the same design. I hope I can find something different before Raya. I have yet to check out the bazaar. Although I drop by there nearly every day after school, but I have not check out the clothes section, carpets, accessories and lots of other stuff... Looking forward to go there with my mom. Mom ain't a shopaholic, but once she's in the mood. She would buy what she likes. Hees.
Talking about Raya... Closety's last day is drawing soon. Very soon indeed. Strange thing about it, I'm not sad. One of his friends, are already brooding about it which I find it quite riddiculous. I'm not criticising, just stating my view. =) Back to the riddiculous thingy-----> Kays, firstly,
-Why would you cry if you know you'll keep in touch?
-Why would you cry if you know he won't forget you?
-Why would you cry if you know he treasures you?
I've tried to comfort this particular person, but my effort doesn't seemed to pay off.
Hmmm... ok, ok I admit I was a little worried if he would forgets me... But for now I'll just live up the moment.
~Make this chapter better, afterall its storyline determines the ending of our life.
Went to Joo Chiat to shop for Raya needs. But as usual, nothing interest me. The clothes aren't as gorgeous as last year's. This year, practically all boutiques sell the same design. I hope I can find something different before Raya. I have yet to check out the bazaar. Although I drop by there nearly every day after school, but I have not check out the clothes section, carpets, accessories and lots of other stuff... Looking forward to go there with my mom. Mom ain't a shopaholic, but once she's in the mood. She would buy what she likes. Hees.
Talking about Raya... Closety's last day is drawing soon. Very soon indeed. Strange thing about it, I'm not sad. One of his friends, are already brooding about it which I find it quite riddiculous. I'm not criticising, just stating my view. =) Back to the riddiculous thingy-----> Kays, firstly,
-Why would you cry if you know you'll keep in touch?
-Why would you cry if you know he won't forget you?
-Why would you cry if you know he treasures you?
I've tried to comfort this particular person, but my effort doesn't seemed to pay off.
Hmmm... ok, ok I admit I was a little worried if he would forgets me... But for now I'll just live up the moment.
~Make this chapter better, afterall its storyline determines the ending of our life.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Eh, Raya-ing already?
Time flies as quick as the blink of an eye. It's the 21st of Ramadhan already. Next week is Eidul Fithrie. Wasn't looking forward to it. I wish Ramadhan would never leave us. I wish that everyday in the year is Ramadhan. There's so much blessings in this month. But do we deserve it? Do we even deserve to celebrate Eid?
Performing tahajjud is such a pleasure and bliss. I felt very peaceful performing it. For the first time in my life, I feel that HE is very, extremely near to me, to us. At least performing solat took my mind off of Khair's death. This is the second Eid without him being with us. I miss the late night phonecalls. We would call each other during Eid eve. Then, Kina will sleep talk on the phone. Hees.. Very Funny!! Well, Zaki has changed and we lost contact with him. Kina is upset over something that we couldn't figure out. I guess, I'll be celebrating Eid with Ash alone. Although we aren't in good terms with the other two, we still treasure them more than anything else in the whole wide world. =D
Wokey, stop talking about Raya Ruquiyah!
So far, Ramadhan month is enjoyable. Hougangerz dropped by Geylang Bazaar nearly every single day. Since we happened to pass by there a lot, it's a waste not dropping by. Hees.
~I've been consistantly performing Tarawih which is quite an achievement for me. Yay-ness!!
Performing tahajjud is such a pleasure and bliss. I felt very peaceful performing it. For the first time in my life, I feel that HE is very, extremely near to me, to us. At least performing solat took my mind off of Khair's death. This is the second Eid without him being with us. I miss the late night phonecalls. We would call each other during Eid eve. Then, Kina will sleep talk on the phone. Hees.. Very Funny!! Well, Zaki has changed and we lost contact with him. Kina is upset over something that we couldn't figure out. I guess, I'll be celebrating Eid with Ash alone. Although we aren't in good terms with the other two, we still treasure them more than anything else in the whole wide world. =D
Wokey, stop talking about Raya Ruquiyah!
So far, Ramadhan month is enjoyable. Hougangerz dropped by Geylang Bazaar nearly every single day. Since we happened to pass by there a lot, it's a waste not dropping by. Hees.
~I've been consistantly performing Tarawih which is quite an achievement for me. Yay-ness!!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I neeeed Sleeeep!!
It's 2am in the morning.. well, nearly to 3 am. I can't sleep. The parents went to Mustaffa Centre to buy food, perhaps? With that pirana at home, hmph.. Mother will be busy shopping for food. Anyways, after that deathly nightmare I haven't been sleeping well for 4 days. Even during I'tikaf night. *HUGE SIGH* My muscles are aching, skull is thumping. I still Can't sleep!! Glad I had a whole day sleep after the i'tikaf programme but after that, I AM back to sleeping disorder. well, I heard this shorten our lifespan?? Is it correct?? Whatever it is I just want to have my night life back. Oh Allah! Pls Grant me my wish. Ameeen!
Home is a wreck. It's in huge mess! Furniture in and out. If it's not Zahroh's idea to paint the room, mother won't put on her designing cap on. And now, she does. Glad that Sis Dearest is regretting it.
Tomorrow schooling. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeergh!! Gotta face that new teacher. Can't stand him. I soooooo baaaaaadly want my old teacher baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! But for now I'll live with it and follow the flow. But complaints won't hurt right? School is the last place I would think of now. It used to be peaceful. But now with the new teacher screaming, yelling, bullying, slamming habit it's not my second home anymore. Plus, the primary students noise. There's no wonder why Loudspeaker has hearing problem.
Home is a wreck. It's in huge mess! Furniture in and out. If it's not Zahroh's idea to paint the room, mother won't put on her designing cap on. And now, she does. Glad that Sis Dearest is regretting it.
Tomorrow schooling. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeergh!! Gotta face that new teacher. Can't stand him. I soooooo baaaaaadly want my old teacher baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! But for now I'll live with it and follow the flow. But complaints won't hurt right? School is the last place I would think of now. It used to be peaceful. But now with the new teacher screaming, yelling, bullying, slamming habit it's not my second home anymore. Plus, the primary students noise. There's no wonder why Loudspeaker has hearing problem.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Closety is trying hard to change, I guess. He constantly said "I'm not brooding anymore, stop calling me Broody" Kays. and he's really serious. I mean I gave him that nickname for joking sake. never did i imagine he took it seriously. Being happy is good right?
I am now miserable!!!
I love to sleep!! But lately, I wasn't enjoying it. I kept dreaming about this "sister", with her long, shiny hair. What shampoo did she use eh, that made her hair long, beautiful and shiny? It was a nightmare. Some nightmare could be ignored. Like nightmares about losing family members and good friends. But nightmares about supernatural are often hard to forget. I'm getting paranoid about it already. Every time I woke up from my sleep I was covered with sweats and tears. When I close my eyes again I saw her smiling at me!!! Me!!! ME!! It was horrible, eerie, scary and extremely horrible.. Well, I guess she wants to befriend me.. Islam teach us to tighten the bond, I guess she wanted to follow suit.
I am now miserable!!!
I love to sleep!! But lately, I wasn't enjoying it. I kept dreaming about this "sister", with her long, shiny hair. What shampoo did she use eh, that made her hair long, beautiful and shiny? It was a nightmare. Some nightmare could be ignored. Like nightmares about losing family members and good friends. But nightmares about supernatural are often hard to forget. I'm getting paranoid about it already. Every time I woke up from my sleep I was covered with sweats and tears. When I close my eyes again I saw her smiling at me!!! Me!!! ME!! It was horrible, eerie, scary and extremely horrible.. Well, I guess she wants to befriend me.. Islam teach us to tighten the bond, I guess she wanted to follow suit.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Oh Shoot!!
I just found out that Teacher Bazitah blog hop and maybe, happened to hop into mine. Uh Oh!!! And she recommended the whole class to create a blog. Hees. Luckily, I already own one. *kays, not important*
Anyway, I came across this particular mosque Buletin Board and found something very interesting. It says about Solat Tasbih and such. I wonder if solat tasbih is legal in the Book of Fiqh. I never came across this Solat before. Maybe it's bid'ah perhaps? The name is weird though. Hees.
Oh! We had a very, very interesting presentation by Sakinah's group during english period *since teacher Bazitah has been reading my blog, I have to praise how great english period was* Hahahaks! Kidding2.. Gotta wait for the paper to be distributed then, I could share it with you guys aitz.. hang in there.. LOL!
~Ah yes! Ignorance is bliss! But is it, really is?
Anyway, I came across this particular mosque Buletin Board and found something very interesting. It says about Solat Tasbih and such. I wonder if solat tasbih is legal in the Book of Fiqh. I never came across this Solat before. Maybe it's bid'ah perhaps? The name is weird though. Hees.
Oh! We had a very, very interesting presentation by Sakinah's group during english period *since teacher Bazitah has been reading my blog, I have to praise how great english period was* Hahahaks! Kidding2.. Gotta wait for the paper to be distributed then, I could share it with you guys aitz.. hang in there.. LOL!
~Ah yes! Ignorance is bliss! But is it, really is?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sick of it or just tired?
I hate it when people said they understood my situation but a few seconds later they get infuriated and burst out like an atomic bomb. Hello?? Excuse me?? do you want to help me or not?? Or you simply don't care?? If you don't care than scram off!! Cause I don't need people like you in my life. Hypocritical *toot*. Minutes earlier you sounded very optimistic but the next second you get all tired and sick of hearing my ramblings. and again, if you don't wanna help just tell me. Whats your problem? It's not like your so great that I just hang on to you for support. I have better friends than you. Your just noone in my life. But you happened to stick with me. Which caused me to fall in to your circle of trust. I thought I could trust you. Your just like the others that simply don't care.
Fyi, you don't even know that I knew your evil twin. double-faced *toot*.
You know what? You just got BUSTED! I knew it. Your just too good to be true. No, thank you for your fake friendship mate.
Fyi, you don't even know that I knew your evil twin. double-faced *toot*.
You know what? You just got BUSTED! I knew it. Your just too good to be true. No, thank you for your fake friendship mate.
I Love Math!!
Learnt new topic today in maths class. Set Language and Notation. It was Fun! Just like what teacher Wardah told us. My class been buzzing since the first period til the last. *Mcm tak puase bdk2 nie* Buzz like a bee..
Late! Late! Late! Eh, must serve detention or not? hmph! Nevermind, it's fasting month so I'll just skip it. Maybe, I need an alarm clock too not just Asmah ~the menyemak dlm semak! thanks to Arifah for replacing me for my duties. Hees. Supposed to do gate duties today, since i'm late Arifah has to replace me. I guess I'll fill in her's during Thursday. ~Haizz *Hate gate duties when I started to reach school late.
Late! Late! Late! Eh, must serve detention or not? hmph! Nevermind, it's fasting month so I'll just skip it. Maybe, I need an alarm clock too not just Asmah ~the menyemak dlm semak! thanks to Arifah for replacing me for my duties. Hees. Supposed to do gate duties today, since i'm late Arifah has to replace me. I guess I'll fill in her's during Thursday. ~Haizz *Hate gate duties when I started to reach school late.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Get Well Soon.
I've been spending most of my time worrying about blood man. Although we're only acquaintances, but being the first person to know that he's coughing blood had me worried. Luckily, I manage to convince him to go to the clinic. I can't believe he kept something as serious as this to himself for months. I know he's a very, very reserved person. But health matters.
He's only eighteen and already diagnosed with lung cancer. *sigh*. Syafaakallah. Plus, it's in the month of Ramadhan. May his parents face this with much patients. I'll visit you when I have the time. Get Well Soon Fathin!
He's only eighteen and already diagnosed with lung cancer. *sigh*. Syafaakallah. Plus, it's in the month of Ramadhan. May his parents face this with much patients. I'll visit you when I have the time. Get Well Soon Fathin!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Let loose!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!AKu tengah mengamuk nie!!! The real reason.. I don't know. Something drive me into a rage. But I don't what it is. Can anyone help me? Hehe...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Hello! How ya'll doing? Ramadhan Mubarak! Phew.. This year's Ramadhan is much tiring than the previous ones. Arasy been asking me when are we checking out the food stalls at Geylang. This guy gonna turn fat some day, heck with his high metabolism or whatever scientific names that he told us. He frequently talks about food 24/7. Even if he's fasting, he still craves for alot of things. Tsk3.. Oh, Yeah.. We're now in good terms already.
Yesterday I went to Istiqamah mosque before going to the airport. I dropped by home to pick a few stuffs and off I go..! A foreigner was asking me the direction of this particular place. Well, I know this place very well. But, being the forgetful one, it slipped my mind. And so I gave the wrong direction. I just realised it after she boarded the appointed bus. Unfortunately, I met her again in the bus i boarded. Yes! I received her deathly glare. I think she was soo close to strangle me. ~quote from Faisal "Biar pandai, jangan pandai2"
I pity that woman. Sooo, Sooo sorry *if you happen to read my blog *which I don't think she will.
Thanks to the parents.

My parents bought me this book for my birthday present. Peepz my birthday is long gone already lah. But nvm belated presents are welcome. =p. I hesitately read this book. This kind of books aren't my indulgence. Infact, I don't really like to read books. But, after reading a few pages of it I got addicted to it. The writer is really good. He points out the mistakes people often do. I mean, I often do but didn't realise it or wouldn't care less. Oh can't talk much about this book as I haven't finish reading it. Hee.
Yesterday I went to Istiqamah mosque before going to the airport. I dropped by home to pick a few stuffs and off I go..! A foreigner was asking me the direction of this particular place. Well, I know this place very well. But, being the forgetful one, it slipped my mind. And so I gave the wrong direction. I just realised it after she boarded the appointed bus. Unfortunately, I met her again in the bus i boarded. Yes! I received her deathly glare. I think she was soo close to strangle me. ~quote from Faisal "Biar pandai, jangan pandai2"
I pity that woman. Sooo, Sooo sorry *if you happen to read my blog *which I don't think she will.
Thanks to the parents.
My parents bought me this book for my birthday present. Peepz my birthday is long gone already lah. But nvm belated presents are welcome. =p. I hesitately read this book. This kind of books aren't my indulgence. Infact, I don't really like to read books. But, after reading a few pages of it I got addicted to it. The writer is really good. He points out the mistakes people often do. I mean, I often do but didn't realise it or wouldn't care less. Oh can't talk much about this book as I haven't finish reading it. Hee.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hey all. Wats up?! I'm in a good mood today. I can't believe Ustaz Huzaifah has gone to Madinah. I went for his departure. Along with Umar's. Afterall, They are good friends.
Hmph.. My childhood friend going abroad. It's funny to address him as my childhood friend as he is waaaaaay much older than me. Whatever it is.. May he succeed in life. =) InsyaAllah. Cik Aisyah is pouring.. hees.. Wonder how she is doing.. Gee..
Hmph.. My childhood friend going abroad. It's funny to address him as my childhood friend as he is waaaaaay much older than me. Whatever it is.. May he succeed in life. =) InsyaAllah. Cik Aisyah is pouring.. hees.. Wonder how she is doing.. Gee..
better late than never.
I just got back from meeting Broody, my mistake, Zuhaily. Yay! finally I got the long waited present from him. Hahaks! Wasn't expecting that much present from my friends though. Must be my lucky year this year.
Zuhaily gave me this very special keychain with the picture of the two of us. That is how we met. A picture that start it all.. Ceyy.. Wokey.. Sis Dearest is nagging already got to go peepz. Stay tune for more.! Love ya Readers!!

~I will always hold you up, above my thoughts of others. Appreciating everything you are, and will always be your friend~
Zuhaily gave me this very special keychain with the picture of the two of us. That is how we met. A picture that start it all.. Ceyy.. Wokey.. Sis Dearest is nagging already got to go peepz. Stay tune for more.! Love ya Readers!!
~I will always hold you up, above my thoughts of others. Appreciating everything you are, and will always be your friend~
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ramadhan Mubarak!
Ramadhan Mubarak Ya Ikhwan! Today was the first day of fasting month. It went very well. No maths homework from teacher Wardah. Infact there's no homework at all. Well, at least for today. I Had a Good day! Wee~
I was browsing this particular website and I came across a hadith which I think most of us has acknowledge it.
حدثني زهير بن حرب حدثنا سفيان بن عيينة عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه رواية قال
I was browsing this particular website and I came across a hadith which I think most of us has acknowledge it.
حدثني زهير بن حرب حدثنا سفيان بن عيينة عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه رواية قال
"إذا أصبح أحدكم يوما صائما فلا يرفث ولا يجهل فإن امرؤ شاتمه أو قاتله فليقل إني صائم إني صائم "
"When anyone of you gets up in the morning in a state of Fasting, he should neither use obscene language nor do any act of ignorance. And if anyone slanders him or quarrels with him, he should say: "I am fasting, I am fasting."
-For our reflection
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back all students to your respective school! Wow! A week holidays are sure too short. I am relieved that I have finished all my homework before school re-opened. Homework are typical, but to complete it before deadline ~phew.. that's rare. All thanks to Amalina for reminding me *and not forgetting the word forcing* to do my homework. If it's not because of her the worksheets and books will remain untouched on my desk. Besides, this year's Examination Season won't be the same. Sister Dearest will be having her BIG examination this year which means, she will conquer the desk and leave the dining table to me. Boooo Huuuuu!! Sad! Sad! Sad! ='(
First day of school was great! No Maths Period!! No headache!! Hees.. Although I'm glad with that news. I am not glad when Tcher Wardah told me she was sick.. Ooow.. Syafakillah. Get well soon Cher.
First day of school was quiet. No Drumming Shows on level 3 just yet.
Today was the second day of school. I'm missing Ustaz Huzaifah's stern voice already. *oh tidak2 I don't have a crush on him* . His replacement is a bit ------. I won't elaborate more regarding this issue.
Ustaz's flight will be on the Saturday same as Umar's. So I guess mother will be there too. Hopefully, we'll go together. Yup2 I am lazy to board the public transport.
Wokey, enough about it, -->Back to my day. Second day was alright minus Ulumul Quran period. The rest of the day was great. Hougangerz are as happy as ever!
second day of school was quiet too. No Drumming Show on level 3, just yet.
~My palms are itching to smack those tables~
First day of school was great! No Maths Period!! No headache!! Hees.. Although I'm glad with that news. I am not glad when Tcher Wardah told me she was sick.. Ooow.. Syafakillah. Get well soon Cher.
First day of school was quiet. No Drumming Shows on level 3 just yet.
Today was the second day of school. I'm missing Ustaz Huzaifah's stern voice already. *oh tidak2 I don't have a crush on him* . His replacement is a bit ------. I won't elaborate more regarding this issue.
Ustaz's flight will be on the Saturday same as Umar's. So I guess mother will be there too. Hopefully, we'll go together. Yup2 I am lazy to board the public transport.
Wokey, enough about it, -->Back to my day. Second day was alright minus Ulumul Quran period. The rest of the day was great. Hougangerz are as happy as ever!
second day of school was quiet too. No Drumming Show on level 3, just yet.
~My palms are itching to smack those tables~
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Oh Tidak!
Good News! I finally have the time to paint my room. The bad thing is it'll be in PINK! Gosh! I hate that colour although it's sweet and all.
Thanks to sis dearest for choosing the colour I absolutely have no say in this issue. Besides there will be a few more colours added to it. So not to worry much about any striking pink or whatsoever that affiliates with girly pink.
~The only thing I need to worry is to sleep in a destructive not to mention very messy room. Fortunately mother bought the odour-less paint... If it's not I could imagine myself running away every-painting-night to my grandmother's place. Hehe. Maybe the entire family would..
Thanks to sis dearest for choosing the colour I absolutely have no say in this issue. Besides there will be a few more colours added to it. So not to worry much about any striking pink or whatsoever that affiliates with girly pink.
~The only thing I need to worry is to sleep in a destructive not to mention very messy room. Fortunately mother bought the odour-less paint... If it's not I could imagine myself running away every-painting-night to my grandmother's place. Hehe. Maybe the entire family would..
Friday, September 07, 2007
I bought Asmah an alarm clock for her birthday present. hehe. Its for her own good u know.
She composed a poem to show her appreciation:
Saya punya seorang kawan, saya panggil Quiyah Kodok, Beban menunggu bakal dikurangkan, Sebab dia belikan dah alarm clock. Loud Giler Dok!:'(
Alarm clock sudah diberi haruslah dimanfaati, Kena lah si Champion ni kunci jam kul 10 pagi, Jadi terdatang very the Early, Tcher Del pun Bakal Happy, Dah tak yah collect ez-link aku lagi.
Let's hope that it will benefit her. Ameen!
She composed a poem to show her appreciation:
Saya punya seorang kawan, saya panggil Quiyah Kodok, Beban menunggu bakal dikurangkan, Sebab dia belikan dah alarm clock. Loud Giler Dok!:'(
Alarm clock sudah diberi haruslah dimanfaati, Kena lah si Champion ni kunci jam kul 10 pagi, Jadi terdatang very the Early, Tcher Del pun Bakal Happy, Dah tak yah collect ez-link aku lagi.
Let's hope that it will benefit her. Ameen!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Thanks to all for remembering my aging day. Hehe. I did quite enjoy the day. It was filled with loads of fun, sabotages, foods and wishes.
I had to wake up early this morning. Quite unhappy with the time. Student's duty calling me though. ~Haizz.. What did I do with my holidays? Spent it with tuition! Wee!! *sarcasm*
Okay, let's not talk about the bad things. Let's talk about swensens! yay-ness! My family treat me to Swensens for my birthday *it's Zahroh's suggestion of course*. Nevertheless I did enjoy myself. The food was great. I don't quite like the pizza that my mother ordered though. In my opinion it was rather a little too soft for the crust and too much spices?? yup.. I guess so..
Zahroh was the one who get excited over the ice-cream menu. Not Me. It's like we're celebrating her birthday not mine. Hahs. But it was okay. I like my birthday "cake"!! I like it very much!

Firehouse Happy Birthday.. That explains the candle.

This person always wants to inter-frame.
Thanks to Broody for accompanying me to Marine Bowl for Council Retreat. Thanks to the secondary 1 councillors for wetting my shirt and soaking me. It took hours to dry, mind you. All thanks to Broody for motivating them.=p
~Afterall it's the thought that matters most~
I had to wake up early this morning. Quite unhappy with the time. Student's duty calling me though. ~Haizz.. What did I do with my holidays? Spent it with tuition! Wee!! *sarcasm*
Okay, let's not talk about the bad things. Let's talk about swensens! yay-ness! My family treat me to Swensens for my birthday *it's Zahroh's suggestion of course*. Nevertheless I did enjoy myself. The food was great. I don't quite like the pizza that my mother ordered though. In my opinion it was rather a little too soft for the crust and too much spices?? yup.. I guess so..
Zahroh was the one who get excited over the ice-cream menu. Not Me. It's like we're celebrating her birthday not mine. Hahs. But it was okay. I like my birthday "cake"!! I like it very much!
Firehouse Happy Birthday.. That explains the candle.
This person always wants to inter-frame.
Thanks to Broody for accompanying me to Marine Bowl for Council Retreat. Thanks to the secondary 1 councillors for wetting my shirt and soaking me. It took hours to dry, mind you. All thanks to Broody for motivating them.=p
~Afterall it's the thought that matters most~
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
1, 2, 3 OK GO!
My life hasn't been a good journey lately. School's out but will have to celebrate it with tons of homeworks. Enjoy doing it though. Anyways, I wanted to watch and supposed to watch Ratatouille today. But due to my mother's errand I can't fulfill my desire. =(
Movies could wait.
Monday, i attended this Youth Seminar regarding Malay Culture, Traditions and stuffs like that. It was okay. Wasn't that fun. Discussion segment was awkward. All participants are 17 and above. And JC students are mostly talking about political issues which leads to further debating and evetually a-mere-catfight incident. Thank God they still respect each other. I kept quiet and only shared my view regarding Tarian Melayu dan Keseniaan.
I wouldn't recommend this seminar though. I think the discussion duration is too short for you to get to know your group members. The speakers are all very experienced in their field. However, the message that they wanted to get across is a little unclear. It was blurred by either their jokes or history of a legend.
The presentation by the respective groups are also something that are commonly asked and shared. It's like going back home without nothing in hand, mind and soul. You can't even feel the Malay Enthusiasm. Most students converse in English and they use funny Malay. In other words Broken Malay. Only some could converse very well in Malay.
Movies could wait.
Monday, i attended this Youth Seminar regarding Malay Culture, Traditions and stuffs like that. It was okay. Wasn't that fun. Discussion segment was awkward. All participants are 17 and above. And JC students are mostly talking about political issues which leads to further debating and evetually a-mere-catfight incident. Thank God they still respect each other. I kept quiet and only shared my view regarding Tarian Melayu dan Keseniaan.
I wouldn't recommend this seminar though. I think the discussion duration is too short for you to get to know your group members. The speakers are all very experienced in their field. However, the message that they wanted to get across is a little unclear. It was blurred by either their jokes or history of a legend.
The presentation by the respective groups are also something that are commonly asked and shared. It's like going back home without nothing in hand, mind and soul. You can't even feel the Malay Enthusiasm. Most students converse in English and they use funny Malay. In other words Broken Malay. Only some could converse very well in Malay.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Yesterday, That is Sunday I went to the SAMRAH CLUB family day. Mommy had been organising this thing since a few months back. Went there just to show her my support. However, I didn't know that she needs my help to be the umpire of a netball match. Honestly, I don't think I am that good. Nevertheless, I called up Fadhilah and seek her help. And, she agreed to help me! Mwuackz! Love Her! The match was between the mothers and daughters. It was a hell lot of a game. Mothers played violently, and violated a few rules.I thought they're profesionals. Fortunately, a lot of them are beginners.~Fooohz~
Friday, August 31, 2007
Happy Teachers' Day.
Teachers' Day performances were great. The concert thingy is cool. I love the decoration! All Thanks to the Secondary 5. i'm not going to talk much about the celebration. Too tired to comment or take notice of everything. I'm going to post pictures and maybe a caption along with it. Before that let's start with the grand opening:

Khodijah promoting youth to wear Batik clothes.=p


The aftermath of the party. They left two cinderellas to do the cleaning job while the others buzz off to the "ballroom".
Never knew he could sing well. Hehe. It's an overwhelming performance by him.
Overall I really enjoyed myself throughout the whole event. credits to Secondary 5 '07 for throwing such grand event. May you succeed in life=)
Khodijah promoting youth to wear Batik clothes.=p
The aftermath of the party. They left two cinderellas to do the cleaning job while the others buzz off to the "ballroom".
Never knew he could sing well. Hehe. It's an overwhelming performance by him.
Overall I really enjoyed myself throughout the whole event. credits to Secondary 5 '07 for throwing such grand event. May you succeed in life=)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Get Well Soon, Missy
I've been having this headache since i caught a fever last week. I am still coughing.. Still having runny nose.. but no high temperature! Thats a good thing right?
Anyways, tomorrow is Teachers Day! Although I don't really like to celebrate it as teachers never celebrate childrens day or youth day for that matter. Thats not the main reason, of course. It's just plainly dumb to perform a skit with morals such as " listen to your teachers", "we listen and we obey" and more...... but doesn't preach them. Or worst, i hate this phrase "hari ni minta maaf, esok buat lagi" Practically and typically, students will do just that. I mean thats what all human do right? Nobody is perfect. No matter how hard we try, we either be better or stays the same.
ARGH! My class is full with fickle minded students. They often change their mind, opinion and decision. *i guess this exclude me* Firstly, we decided to try something new. We wanted to perform a musical. However someone stood up and said "I wanted it to be safe" and playing safe are we. We decided to perform a skit for the teachers which in my opinion is the most boring performance of all time. Not only did my class chose that boring performance they also keep changing the scipt! Oh dear! God please help me. Save from all this nonsensical its-getting on my nerve-joke.
Screw that! I have no authority to question their decision. Hmph!
Ustaz Huzaifah's advice wake me up somehow. He said that You Can't Please Everyone in Everything You Do. It suddenly pang me. I've been trying hard to accept people for who they are. But I guess I haven't achieve my goal yet.
~The imperfection of human beings are the reason why the world looks perfect. You can't enjoy the highs without going through the lows.
Anyways, tomorrow is Teachers Day! Although I don't really like to celebrate it as teachers never celebrate childrens day or youth day for that matter. Thats not the main reason, of course. It's just plainly dumb to perform a skit with morals such as " listen to your teachers", "we listen and we obey" and more...... but doesn't preach them. Or worst, i hate this phrase "hari ni minta maaf, esok buat lagi" Practically and typically, students will do just that. I mean thats what all human do right? Nobody is perfect. No matter how hard we try, we either be better or stays the same.
ARGH! My class is full with fickle minded students. They often change their mind, opinion and decision. *i guess this exclude me* Firstly, we decided to try something new. We wanted to perform a musical. However someone stood up and said "I wanted it to be safe" and playing safe are we. We decided to perform a skit for the teachers which in my opinion is the most boring performance of all time. Not only did my class chose that boring performance they also keep changing the scipt! Oh dear! God please help me. Save from all this nonsensical its-getting on my nerve-joke.
Screw that! I have no authority to question their decision. Hmph!
Ustaz Huzaifah's advice wake me up somehow. He said that You Can't Please Everyone in Everything You Do. It suddenly pang me. I've been trying hard to accept people for who they are. But I guess I haven't achieve my goal yet.
~The imperfection of human beings are the reason why the world looks perfect. You can't enjoy the highs without going through the lows.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Are you happy?
5 simple rules to be happy:
1. free your heart from hatred.
2. free your mind from worries
3. live simply
4. give more
5. expect less.
Credits to Bro Khairul for sharing.=)
1. free your heart from hatred.
2. free your mind from worries
3. live simply
4. give more
5. expect less.
Credits to Bro Khairul for sharing.=)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
It Hungry Ghost Month!! And I have tons of medicines to celebrate it with. Given MC from my doctor for a day. But my allergy was so bad that i had to skip school today too.
My eyes are puffy. Nose keep sneezing. Ears are itchy. Thank God no infection just yet.
Anyways, Whats up with school and mosquitoes. Is it breeding in school? Hiyaaa!! Its bugging me.
~No days are left without me getting mosquito bite!
Stupid mosquitoes now i'm scratching 24/7.
My eyes are puffy. Nose keep sneezing. Ears are itchy. Thank God no infection just yet.
Anyways, Whats up with school and mosquitoes. Is it breeding in school? Hiyaaa!! Its bugging me.
~No days are left without me getting mosquito bite!
Stupid mosquitoes now i'm scratching 24/7.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Miserable. But strangely, I'm loving the moments of misery. Why is that so? Because it reminds me so much of Khair. Nevermind tho, he's gone.
Science test is so Brain Cracking and I might add the word Damaging. Bro Khairul I know Ukhwatul Islam needs me but it doesn't need a physicist brain, mind you. I flunk this test. I hate myself for that larh. But at least I gave my best shot right? hehe. I didnt copy my friends...
May Allah pass me this test! Ameen! Ameen! Ameen!
Science test is so Brain Cracking and I might add the word Damaging. Bro Khairul I know Ukhwatul Islam needs me but it doesn't need a physicist brain, mind you. I flunk this test. I hate myself for that larh. But at least I gave my best shot right? hehe. I didnt copy my friends...
May Allah pass me this test! Ameen! Ameen! Ameen!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Its electrifying!!
Yeah!! I hereby announce that I hate the electricity topic from science. i VOW not to take physics. Oh god! This topic is well, not so complicated. But the formula and circuit drawing could make you suffer from Permanent Brain Damage. My brain is presently electrocuted just by hearing the word electricity. And to hear "Next Tuesday test. Topic: Electricity" made it worse!!
Enough about science. Let's talk about Starbucks! Hehe. I'm missing the vanilla frappucino that Broody bought me! Its nice with ice-cream on it. Was it ice-cream or simply cream eh? Nevermind about that. Poor Broody can't enjoy the luxurious taste of Starbucks as he bought himself the YUCKY DRINK OF THE DAY! He is brave enough to finish that liquid though. Kudos!
Anyways, I have been sleeping at 4 am these few days. Not days, weeks.. Dunnoe why.. Hmph! I could be sick anytime, anywhere. Hopefully during school day. Hehe.
Alar.. Tomorrow Math period! Argh!! Triple Madness!! I love Math. I just hate algebra. Boooo algebra booo!
~How come I miss Broody?~
Enough about science. Let's talk about Starbucks! Hehe. I'm missing the vanilla frappucino that Broody bought me! Its nice with ice-cream on it. Was it ice-cream or simply cream eh? Nevermind about that. Poor Broody can't enjoy the luxurious taste of Starbucks as he bought himself the YUCKY DRINK OF THE DAY! He is brave enough to finish that liquid though. Kudos!
Anyways, I have been sleeping at 4 am these few days. Not days, weeks.. Dunnoe why.. Hmph! I could be sick anytime, anywhere. Hopefully during school day. Hehe.
Alar.. Tomorrow Math period! Argh!! Triple Madness!! I love Math. I just hate algebra. Boooo algebra booo!
~How come I miss Broody?~
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
NDP '07
From what I heard the parade was spectacular. Nevermind about the Nation's birthday though.
I didn't watch the live telecast as I was busy shopping for footwears. Hee. I can't believe I spent over $50. I bought a pair of sneakers by Bum Equipment, a pair of Caspia sandals, two pairs of khakis. And $80 burnt. Not only did the money dissapear. But I received a piece of "advise" from my mom. Which I think could damage my ear drum.
Back to MAI Sport's Day. It was an enjoyable one. Indeed it was. Although the scorching hot sun is burning my skin. It was still fun. I didn't expect Green House to win 2nd place though. All thanks to our Fantastic Sprinters.
Cutest Group
If they have this special award I am damn confident that Yellow House will win this thing. They have the Cutest Cheer. hehe. Although the tune is not original but the lyrics are sure original.
I didn't watch the live telecast as I was busy shopping for footwears. Hee. I can't believe I spent over $50. I bought a pair of sneakers by Bum Equipment, a pair of Caspia sandals, two pairs of khakis. And $80 burnt. Not only did the money dissapear. But I received a piece of "advise" from my mom. Which I think could damage my ear drum.
Back to MAI Sport's Day. It was an enjoyable one. Indeed it was. Although the scorching hot sun is burning my skin. It was still fun. I didn't expect Green House to win 2nd place though. All thanks to our Fantastic Sprinters.
Cutest Group
If they have this special award I am damn confident that Yellow House will win this thing. They have the Cutest Cheer. hehe. Although the tune is not original but the lyrics are sure original.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I guess I just needed to lead my own path WITHOUT my friends as my companions. Thanks for the wonderful friendship.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Thanks for the 7 years.
It was hard to let go. After Khair's death we started to fall apart. What happened to the 7 years of friendship? What happened to Starbuck's fight? What happened to the stupid Happy Meal treat? *HUGE SIGH
To Zaki: May you succeed in life. Though you have changed I know that you are trying your best to be the old Zaki that we know.
To Kina: Thanks for the constant wake up call. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for the ice-cream treat and lame jokes.
To Zaki: May you succeed in life. Though you have changed I know that you are trying your best to be the old Zaki that we know.
To Kina: Thanks for the constant wake up call. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for the ice-cream treat and lame jokes.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
which is better?
I had the worst week this week! Phew! Glad it was over. New week is coming my way.. Hope its gonna be better.
Anyways, let's not talk about those previous days. I'm gonna get all touchy-feely which equals to emotional and I hate that. Yikes!
"Luv Ya!"
Thanks Broody for the wake up call. APPRECIATE IT LOTZ! I hate it when people call me early in the morning while I was sleeping. Nevertheless, Thanks to him for waking me up or else I would have been late for my sister's first tuition session @ 8am. No matter how annoying that call is, he is the only person that calls me (in the morning) without getting scolded. *Consider yourself lucky.
My intestine is angry!!
I WANT TO EAT SATAY or ROJAK!!! Any recommended place to go?? Do tag me of the place..=)
Anyways, let's not talk about those previous days. I'm gonna get all touchy-feely which equals to emotional and I hate that. Yikes!
"Luv Ya!"
Thanks Broody for the wake up call. APPRECIATE IT LOTZ! I hate it when people call me early in the morning while I was sleeping. Nevertheless, Thanks to him for waking me up or else I would have been late for my sister's first tuition session @ 8am. No matter how annoying that call is, he is the only person that calls me (in the morning) without getting scolded. *Consider yourself lucky.
My intestine is angry!!
I WANT TO EAT SATAY or ROJAK!!! Any recommended place to go?? Do tag me of the place..=)
Monday, July 30, 2007
I've been wondering. A lot of Indonesian Friendster users added me in their friends' list. I'm getting paranoid already.
~worried about Jojo
~worried about Jojo
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I've been feeling crappy since Saturday, which is yesterday. Attended the syarahan and presented on stage. I didn't do my best though. I was the first participant to present!! and I freaked out!! Once I was on stage I search for Jojo, hoping that looking at her would calm me. But I didn't see her. I started to panic when my notes are not organise. I did memorise all of it on Friday. And was ready by Saturday morning. AAAARGH!! I was brain-dead. I didn't think. I looked at Ustazah Aini and miraculously I gain my confidence;)
But yeah, in the mid part of my presentation I forgot the quran verse. Well, actually it was playing in my head but somehow I didn't manage to say it out loud. The words can't escape from my lips. I felt as though I was bewitched. *scary..
After my presentation, I went staright to Ain and just lay on her shoulder. I felt like cying after looking at Ustazah Aini. I dissapoint her. Dissapoint my entire classmates that went there to support me. Oh, not forgetting they were scolded by my ex-teachers for seating/eating by the pavement. How embarrasing. I was embarrased of course! Not by my mates action. But by my ex-teachers behaviour.
Thanks to teacher Wardah I felt better after texting her. I find her words very comforting. Thanks Teacher=) and my classmates for supporting me.
how I wish Khair was here to comfort me:'(
But yeah, in the mid part of my presentation I forgot the quran verse. Well, actually it was playing in my head but somehow I didn't manage to say it out loud. The words can't escape from my lips. I felt as though I was bewitched. *scary..
After my presentation, I went staright to Ain and just lay on her shoulder. I felt like cying after looking at Ustazah Aini. I dissapoint her. Dissapoint my entire classmates that went there to support me. Oh, not forgetting they were scolded by my ex-teachers for seating/eating by the pavement. How embarrasing. I was embarrased of course! Not by my mates action. But by my ex-teachers behaviour.
Thanks to teacher Wardah I felt better after texting her. I find her words very comforting. Thanks Teacher=) and my classmates for supporting me.
how I wish Khair was here to comfort me:'(
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Double the Pain! Ouch!
Futsal was great, I guess. Attempted a few shots but its either missed or catched. Booo Huuu! Soo Sad... It was my first, playing the futsal game. Fyi I never kick a ball before. Well, maybe I have, during my early childhood. Hee *LAME*
Kicking balls, playing aggressively, focus.. and my team was pretty great. But luck is not on our side that day. We only scored a one for the first game. Once we go against the Red House we were pretty flat. No battery charger *in other word that means water and yes! no Food!*. One of the players was aggressive oh no, no.. She was violent. Hee. But she played very well. Hit me a few times but I know it wasn't an intended blow..... right?
Anyways, Asmah didn't turn up at breakfast=(
And, I was LATE!! AAARgh!! I hate being LATE!! I love to be Punctual! But i was LATE!! EEEEii... I was pissed off.. And losing is not even helping.. Hiyaaa!! Not only was I late for breakfast, I was late for school too.. The day is ruined by the freaking late-ness that I encounter, or rather I caused is to happen. I had a bad day!!!
Bad to Worse when the tournament ended @ 11+++ Nearly 12, Despite the little time we have. We, *2A girls* are determined to take a shower. To refresh our body, mind and soul *k, out of topic* . We started hunting down for the changing room. We decided to use the Swimming Complex but we need to pay 50 cents for entrance. Not worthy. We went to the stadium but we need to pay. And lastly, we tried the Badminton Hall. And, finally after about 15 mins of searching we found a good changing room and its FREE!!!
After the shower we went to school and we were 15 mins late. However, some of the players reached school at 2pm *melampau*
He is officially a Blogger now.
Welcome to the World of Blogging Bro. hehe
Kicking balls, playing aggressively, focus.. and my team was pretty great. But luck is not on our side that day. We only scored a one for the first game. Once we go against the Red House we were pretty flat. No battery charger *in other word that means water and yes! no Food!*. One of the players was aggressive oh no, no.. She was violent. Hee. But she played very well. Hit me a few times but I know it wasn't an intended blow..... right?
Anyways, Asmah didn't turn up at breakfast=(
And, I was LATE!! AAARgh!! I hate being LATE!! I love to be Punctual! But i was LATE!! EEEEii... I was pissed off.. And losing is not even helping.. Hiyaaa!! Not only was I late for breakfast, I was late for school too.. The day is ruined by the freaking late-ness that I encounter, or rather I caused is to happen. I had a bad day!!!
Bad to Worse when the tournament ended @ 11+++ Nearly 12, Despite the little time we have. We, *2A girls* are determined to take a shower. To refresh our body, mind and soul *k, out of topic* . We started hunting down for the changing room. We decided to use the Swimming Complex but we need to pay 50 cents for entrance. Not worthy. We went to the stadium but we need to pay. And lastly, we tried the Badminton Hall. And, finally after about 15 mins of searching we found a good changing room and its FREE!!!
After the shower we went to school and we were 15 mins late. However, some of the players reached school at 2pm *melampau*
He is officially a Blogger now.
Welcome to the World of Blogging Bro. hehe
Monday, July 23, 2007
Badly want it
The pressure is on!! Futsal match/tournament tomorrow. First thing in the morning. I have a breakfast date with the Hougangerz-Ain, Ashie, Sis dearest and Sis Qamar.. Same darn place. The infamous MacDonald's!! I'll try to be punctual. Hee.
I haven't been a punctual person since the past few days. Wonder why.. Geez..
Oh Nooooo!!
Had my Fiqh test today. Argh! It seemed that my suggestion hadn't been taken seriously, yeah.. =(
I still memorise it despite having a protest. LOL. But of course it's a last minute revision. And trying to speed things up by skipping a few words *which I think could gain me at least half a mark*
Oh if you think I purposely did this. You are Damn Right!! Congratulations!!
I haven't been a punctual person since the past few days. Wonder why.. Geez..
Oh Nooooo!!
Had my Fiqh test today. Argh! It seemed that my suggestion hadn't been taken seriously, yeah.. =(
I still memorise it despite having a protest. LOL. But of course it's a last minute revision. And trying to speed things up by skipping a few words *which I think could gain me at least half a mark*
Oh if you think I purposely did this. You are Damn Right!! Congratulations!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I have finish it!!! Wee!! It's finally done and finalised!!
Yeah Bebeh! No sleepless night anymore!!
1 more week to go and I am already feeling nervous oh no not nervous.... PETRIFIED!
What if I embarras myself on stage?
What if I forgot the words?
Bleargh!! I hate this feeling.. Wek! Wek!
Must memorise the text and remember it forever!!
Must memorise Fiqh too~ having test on Monday!!
Hey,,, wait up.... I should be excused from tests right?? I am representing the school in this competition, mind you..
That's a brilliant suggestion ain't it?
Yeah Bebeh! No sleepless night anymore!!
1 more week to go and I am already feeling nervous oh no not nervous.... PETRIFIED!
What if I embarras myself on stage?
What if I forgot the words?
Bleargh!! I hate this feeling.. Wek! Wek!
Must memorise the text and remember it forever!!
Must memorise Fiqh too~ having test on Monday!!
Hey,,, wait up.... I should be excused from tests right?? I am representing the school in this competition, mind you..
That's a brilliant suggestion ain't it?
Monday, July 16, 2007
It will last
Read Jojo's blog. I was touched by her words. How she still remembers me and cherish the friendship we had. And yeah, how i wish i could reverse time. I would still be stuck in the yellow skirt. I would still be stuck in the school I loved. Am I regretting the choice i made? I don't know. Maybe I did. But this is the path that I chose. I can't look back. I can't turn back. Carry on with the flow, thats what i'm trying to do...=)
Missing Jojo, Caca, Kinah, Far, Wanie, Nana, Zul, Dayah, Firah, Julaihah, Jalidah, Farhana, Muslihah, Atikah, Fizah, Hasmah and the whole sec 1 of '06.
Hugs and Kisses
I miss Jojo and Caca Terribly!!
Missing Jojo, Caca, Kinah, Far, Wanie, Nana, Zul, Dayah, Firah, Julaihah, Jalidah, Farhana, Muslihah, Atikah, Fizah, Hasmah and the whole sec 1 of '06.
Hugs and Kisses
I miss Jojo and Caca Terribly!!
If only I could
Betapa malangnya aku, yang tenggelam dalam salahku
Laksana tawanan, tanpa tali dan belenggu
Apa dayaku kini, setelah habis upayaku
Kala sayap terbentang kukatakan terbanglah wahai diriku
-Ibnu al-Jauziy
Friday, July 13, 2007
Head over Heels
I'm so in Love with Linkin Park!! I love them and now I love them even more!! Weee!! Weee!! Although their Latest album was a little dissapointing lah.. The latest album somehow was stripped.. No hard core Rock for my ears
I need a lucky charm
Woke up early for tuition today. FilHaq was cranky today when I reached my tutor's place. He was itchy all over and seek his mother's attention in all kind of ways but to no vail. Hehe, sorry kiddo had your mamma's attention first! Anyways I only had an hour session then off to school. Oh and yes I am hyper and energetic today. I didn't sleep in Ustaz AshBurn's period today. That is a good sign right? Since I switched place I felt so sleepy.. Maybe the previous owner of the desk is always sleepy and therefor I am affected by his sleepiness.. Ok, superstitious *astaghfirullah*... Oh and previous-owner-of the desk. No hard feelings ait if you happened to read my blog. I was just joking. Just to spice things up. Hehe.
Miss Netball!! Miss the girls!! Booo huuuu!! When are we having training again? It has been a long break since exam. No, no since I got injured.. Oh and gals my wrist is better now.. Don't worry.. I remembered the first tournament we had. We go head to head with the Bowen Gals, Unfortunately we lost. Then, with Seri as our shooter we thought we had a brighter "future" but she disappoints us.. and in the end we lost with a terrible number of shots.. That hurts.. Losing hurts.. But we all know that Seri had tried her best.. But she's not the perfect shooter and the Captain and co-captain changed her position to a defender.. And Asma' *which is the captain herself* decided to take up the shooting challenge. And as I had state in my previous post, she was shining on court. She has a great chemistry with the Wing Attacker.. And boy was she glittering that glorious day.. I also remember the moments we had our disagreement with once-a-troublemaker. We had a fight and we get rid of her from the team. No doubt she's the best trainee during training but she ain't the best player on court. *ouch*.. Zillion apologies..
I think i talked a lot about netball. Sorry to bore you dear readers.
Why are you treating me this way? Hadn't I apologised? Haizz.. It's hard to understand the NEW you.. Oh or rather the real you, mate..
Miss Netball!! Miss the girls!! Booo huuuu!! When are we having training again? It has been a long break since exam. No, no since I got injured.. Oh and gals my wrist is better now.. Don't worry.. I remembered the first tournament we had. We go head to head with the Bowen Gals, Unfortunately we lost. Then, with Seri as our shooter we thought we had a brighter "future" but she disappoints us.. and in the end we lost with a terrible number of shots.. That hurts.. Losing hurts.. But we all know that Seri had tried her best.. But she's not the perfect shooter and the Captain and co-captain changed her position to a defender.. And Asma' *which is the captain herself* decided to take up the shooting challenge. And as I had state in my previous post, she was shining on court. She has a great chemistry with the Wing Attacker.. And boy was she glittering that glorious day.. I also remember the moments we had our disagreement with once-a-troublemaker. We had a fight and we get rid of her from the team. No doubt she's the best trainee during training but she ain't the best player on court. *ouch*.. Zillion apologies..
I think i talked a lot about netball. Sorry to bore you dear readers.
Why are you treating me this way? Hadn't I apologised? Haizz.. It's hard to understand the NEW you.. Oh or rather the real you, mate..
Thursday, July 12, 2007
2 more weeks of preparation for the competition. Ustzh Aini has been a great help. If I win this competition all credits go to her. Oh! and good news, I have supporters for this competition. Hehe. *Ni mcm baru semangat babe!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Live Earth.
I guess saving the Earth from climate crisis is easier than we all thought it is. Simply wear green to show that you care. They may wear green to show that they care but did they take action to show that they care? You may never know. I wear green every Monday to Friday for more than 5 hours but does that mean I care for the Earth. If I ask a commuter "Do you think I care for the Earth?" That Commuter will look at me and say "I don't think so.. Because you are wearing school uniform meaning you are forced to wear green" Get the picture?
Ridiculous. Then up came the concert for it for over 24hours. Conserve energy larh! They are wasting electricity. They will need tons and tons of lights and blasting speakers to make the concert successful, all those excluding the instruments they need. The large screen and a whole lot more. If one bulb need *dunnoe how many volt* Imagine a few hundreds more lighting up the stage for more than 24 hours. Hiyaa! Pestering people to SWITCH but they themselves does the same thing. I caught a glimpse of Madonna's performance, She was saying "I know we are conserving energy and such, but for tonight I don't want you to conserve your energy let me see you jump!! Jump if you care for the Earth." There goes another stupid comment. If the Earth could talk it will definitely say this "Ouch you are hurting me. Stop jumping!!"
Less talk and show that you care by taking action. Not jumping up and down like idiots and definitely not by wearing green! Oh anyhow, the Earth is blue it is not green. Why in the world did they choose the colour green as the colour theme?
Ridiculous. Then up came the concert for it for over 24hours. Conserve energy larh! They are wasting electricity. They will need tons and tons of lights and blasting speakers to make the concert successful, all those excluding the instruments they need. The large screen and a whole lot more. If one bulb need *dunnoe how many volt* Imagine a few hundreds more lighting up the stage for more than 24 hours. Hiyaa! Pestering people to SWITCH but they themselves does the same thing. I caught a glimpse of Madonna's performance, She was saying "I know we are conserving energy and such, but for tonight I don't want you to conserve your energy let me see you jump!! Jump if you care for the Earth." There goes another stupid comment. If the Earth could talk it will definitely say this "Ouch you are hurting me. Stop jumping!!"
Less talk and show that you care by taking action. Not jumping up and down like idiots and definitely not by wearing green! Oh anyhow, the Earth is blue it is not green. Why in the world did they choose the colour green as the colour theme?
Friday, July 06, 2007
Is it wrong for us to comment on others behaviour? Is it wrong for us to voice out our opinion? How I wish free speech is allowed. Why is it that everything we do is wrong? Why do they have to watch every single step of ours? Why do they have to keep blaming us of things that are beyond our control? Or maybe not even our mistake? Why and why? Why can't they let go of the past issue even when they already gave us the ultimatum? Does all these question make sense to you right now? Does it happened to you?
I can't understand. It's confusing. There were times when You brace Us during difficult times. You were playing the supportive role. You guide Us through darkness by holding up a lantern that may not last long but, You give Us hope. You gave Us the trust. We know some mistakes can't be forgiven. But does that mean You have to keep blaming us of whatever that occurs. What happened to that supportive role of Urs? What happened to that lantern???
I can't afford to lose my friends. Nor am I afford to lose a teacher. But if this is how your treating Us, I'm sorry but You make me lose that trust. And that trust has already sunk in the deepest ocean.
I can't understand. It's confusing. There were times when You brace Us during difficult times. You were playing the supportive role. You guide Us through darkness by holding up a lantern that may not last long but, You give Us hope. You gave Us the trust. We know some mistakes can't be forgiven. But does that mean You have to keep blaming us of whatever that occurs. What happened to that supportive role of Urs? What happened to that lantern???
I can't afford to lose my friends. Nor am I afford to lose a teacher. But if this is how your treating Us, I'm sorry but You make me lose that trust. And that trust has already sunk in the deepest ocean.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I've been pestered
Gosh!! I'm missing the Ahmad Ibrahim's clan. Although they aren't exactly the people I would wanna spent my days with but what can I say?? I guess I'm stuck with them.. Fortunately for me, Bro Khairul and Bro Khalif gladly organised a gathering for the helpers and the youth wing members. I am very contented after that gathering *hee* Thanks Love ya lots!!
Phew! Three opportunities in less than a day!! First: I was chosen by the teachers to represent my school in a syarahan competition that will be held at Madrasah Al-Sagoff. Second: I was chosen by my English teacher widely known as Teacher Bazitah to represent my school in an essay competition. Third: I was chosen by my monitress Amalina to represent secondary two in a debate. However I only took up two challenges as all 3 will be happening in three straight weeks. and, I am very sure I would be dead by the end of July. I was quite taken aback by these news as I wasn't the best in my class nor am I the best in the school. But chances only came once. Having doubt in myself though. Hee.
Phew! Three opportunities in less than a day!! First: I was chosen by the teachers to represent my school in a syarahan competition that will be held at Madrasah Al-Sagoff. Second: I was chosen by my English teacher widely known as Teacher Bazitah to represent my school in an essay competition. Third: I was chosen by my monitress Amalina to represent secondary two in a debate. However I only took up two challenges as all 3 will be happening in three straight weeks. and, I am very sure I would be dead by the end of July. I was quite taken aback by these news as I wasn't the best in my class nor am I the best in the school. But chances only came once. Having doubt in myself though. Hee.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Camp Week is over!!! I finally got to eat a decent meal, and a decent niche to sleep.. Although, I am comfortable in my sleeping bag.. I miss the air-conditioned room of mine. lets start how sec 3 Excellence through Experience Camp was, then I'll move on with Ahmad Ibrahim's Passion and Diligence Camp.
Sec 3 Camp.
I was excited and was looking forward for it as i could meet Broody. It's been way too long time since I last met him. Before the final meet while we were packing our stuffs for the camp. We planned to wear the same shirt. Well, not the same shirt but the same coloured shirt for all 3 days. Unfortunately I back off from the plan as I had to wear the same colour with the other organisers. I can tell that Broody was disappointed. First day was enjoyable although the pressure was on. I think Teacher Wardah is Excellent *with capital E* at last minute planning and cover up jobs to cover any corruption. Day 1 went smoothly and yeah, It gets rocky during the Rock Climbing. Fana and I was the first two to try it out. I wasn't afraid of heights so it shouldn't be a problem, I thought. Somehow when I reach the top I was afraid to climb down. I kept screaming "Tak Nak!!" I kept still at the top for more than 5 minutes I think. But with encouragement from Fana and the other campers I climbed down. Climbing down was easier and less scary than climbing up.
Day 2
It was Amazing Race Day!! Yay!! I woke up with a huge smile plastered on my face. But it wasn't for long. Misunderstanding is very dangerous. It could kill one's trust. During day 2 I lost my trust. During day 2 I nearly lost a friend. During day 2 I felt like crying. But I stand strong. I didn't CRY!! Wee!! Wee!! You were probably wondering what happened. Well here goes, I was one of the station master. My station was at Changi Airport Terminal Two. While I was sleeping *accidentally slept* I received a message from Broody. He sounded mad, very mad. There are events that he is mad. But this madness somehow caused by me. At least that is how I feel. Being stubborn, I did not give in to him. I ignore his apology. Not that I didn't want to. But I can't. I just can't. When his team reached my station. He tried to comfort me, however every word that he said makes me bombard him with sarcasm. I know it's rude but when your angry you will ignore your manners. There goes Day 2. I can't sleep, I can't eat because of the guilt. Being stubborn as I am again, No matter how guilty I am. I was being too cold to him. He tried to talk to me and tried to lighten me up but I ignore it. Day 2 Ruined!!
Day 3
I didnt enjoy every single activity of it. Fake a smile and follow the flow. During Prize giving I was hoping Group B to win. As according to ME, they have the best team work and the most supporting Faci. But to my dissapointment they didn't win the first place. =( Same goes to the best camper... How come Ayuni did not win that title?? I vote for her!! How come kak Yati win?? hmm... *no offence* Anyways Congrats to Kak Yati! Group A who won the first place! and, Diyana for winning the Best Leader!
There goes Day 3.
As for the other camp I'll post later. Anyways Broody type the above event in his blog. He has the whole thing lay out about the argument. Only that he used A and B instead of Zuhaily and Ruquiyah. Wonder why...
Sec 3 Camp.
I was excited and was looking forward for it as i could meet Broody. It's been way too long time since I last met him. Before the final meet while we were packing our stuffs for the camp. We planned to wear the same shirt. Well, not the same shirt but the same coloured shirt for all 3 days. Unfortunately I back off from the plan as I had to wear the same colour with the other organisers. I can tell that Broody was disappointed. First day was enjoyable although the pressure was on. I think Teacher Wardah is Excellent *with capital E* at last minute planning and cover up jobs to cover any corruption. Day 1 went smoothly and yeah, It gets rocky during the Rock Climbing. Fana and I was the first two to try it out. I wasn't afraid of heights so it shouldn't be a problem, I thought. Somehow when I reach the top I was afraid to climb down. I kept screaming "Tak Nak!!" I kept still at the top for more than 5 minutes I think. But with encouragement from Fana and the other campers I climbed down. Climbing down was easier and less scary than climbing up.
Day 2
It was Amazing Race Day!! Yay!! I woke up with a huge smile plastered on my face. But it wasn't for long. Misunderstanding is very dangerous. It could kill one's trust. During day 2 I lost my trust. During day 2 I nearly lost a friend. During day 2 I felt like crying. But I stand strong. I didn't CRY!! Wee!! Wee!! You were probably wondering what happened. Well here goes, I was one of the station master. My station was at Changi Airport Terminal Two. While I was sleeping *accidentally slept* I received a message from Broody. He sounded mad, very mad. There are events that he is mad. But this madness somehow caused by me. At least that is how I feel. Being stubborn, I did not give in to him. I ignore his apology. Not that I didn't want to. But I can't. I just can't. When his team reached my station. He tried to comfort me, however every word that he said makes me bombard him with sarcasm. I know it's rude but when your angry you will ignore your manners. There goes Day 2. I can't sleep, I can't eat because of the guilt. Being stubborn as I am again, No matter how guilty I am. I was being too cold to him. He tried to talk to me and tried to lighten me up but I ignore it. Day 2 Ruined!!
Day 3
I didnt enjoy every single activity of it. Fake a smile and follow the flow. During Prize giving I was hoping Group B to win. As according to ME, they have the best team work and the most supporting Faci. But to my dissapointment they didn't win the first place. =( Same goes to the best camper... How come Ayuni did not win that title?? I vote for her!! How come kak Yati win?? hmm... *no offence* Anyways Congrats to Kak Yati! Group A who won the first place! and, Diyana for winning the Best Leader!
There goes Day 3.
As for the other camp I'll post later. Anyways Broody type the above event in his blog. He has the whole thing lay out about the argument. Only that he used A and B instead of Zuhaily and Ruquiyah. Wonder why...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
weird game.
Each player of this game starts with 6 wierd things about himself or herself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 wierd things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, each tagged person needs to tag 6 other people. List their names and don't forget to leave a comment reminding them that they are tagged.
1- One of my hobbies is to watch the trains pass by City Hall Station.
2- I Hate Chocolate!!
3- I have Grape-Allergy..
4- I have Powder-Allergy..
5- I still own intact baby teeth.
6- I am afraid of guitars although i love the melody of the strums.
Jojo, Lya, Nana, Zulaikha, SisSakinah, T.Wardah
1- One of my hobbies is to watch the trains pass by City Hall Station.
2- I Hate Chocolate!!
3- I have Grape-Allergy..
4- I have Powder-Allergy..
5- I still own intact baby teeth.
6- I am afraid of guitars although i love the melody of the strums.
Jojo, Lya, Nana, Zulaikha, SisSakinah, T.Wardah
Saturday, June 02, 2007
oh no, i hate holidays
The term's break has finally arrived. Surprisingly I am not glad that it came. Wonder why. Anyways I went phone-shop-hunting with my mother yesterday. No, no it's not my phone that gets unlucky but it's Zahroh's. I've been saving since the first month of this year to buy my sister a decent handphone. And, yes we bought a Nokia 6280 for her. It's her wish. My mother wants to get her something better but she insist of buying that model *Selamat aku, duit save sikit* Ok so I figured, you guys are probably wondering why i get her a phone, The answer is simply: a birthday gift.
Today, Kina woke me up early in the morning just to tell me that she did something very big. And guess what she's done? She went to McDonald's Ang Mo Kio outlet for the 1st to get breakfast. Is that what you call phenomenal? Hmm, lemme guess... I dun think so. I thought she called me to tell she ticked off her principal or spot Taufik Batisah on the street. Anyways, Congratulation Kina for leaving your footprint @ McDonald's Ang Mo Kio Outlet. How weird can people be? Has anyone of you experience the same thing? If you had, Congratulation for being patient entertaining weird acquaintance.
Today, Kina woke me up early in the morning just to tell me that she did something very big. And guess what she's done? She went to McDonald's Ang Mo Kio outlet for the 1st to get breakfast. Is that what you call phenomenal? Hmm, lemme guess... I dun think so. I thought she called me to tell she ticked off her principal or spot Taufik Batisah on the street. Anyways, Congratulation Kina for leaving your footprint @ McDonald's Ang Mo Kio Outlet. How weird can people be? Has anyone of you experience the same thing? If you had, Congratulation for being patient entertaining weird acquaintance.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
something I wanna share
Just something I wanna share with u guys. A friend of mine e-mailed me this. Enjoy reading ya!
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't? orSaying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart. If you don't, you might break theirs. Have u ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own. When you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all. Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid. Afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger. Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had. *What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say goodbye? *What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there? *What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore) *What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them? *What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?
People live, but people die.
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't? orSaying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart. If you don't, you might break theirs. Have u ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own. When you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all. Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid. Afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger. Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had. *What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say goodbye? *What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there? *What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore) *What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them? *What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?
People live, but people die.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Good Job kiddo!
Young Caliph Camp was great. I think the K2 students of MKS Kindergarten really enjoy themselves. The most challenging challenge that they have to go through was the Obstacle Race-Oh yes, It wasn't easy. 1st day was already exhausting. Once we got back to the camp base the kids are complaining to sleep. It's not even close to afternoon, yet. 2nd day wasn't so great as the facilitators of Team Khadijah Al-Khuwailid have to chase Unais-the team member-around as he couldn't sit still.
Here's the great thing. My team won "The Best Cheer Award" despite Kak Zahidah complaining about it's crappy-ness. Hehe. Great Job sis!! Great Job too little ones: Aisyah, Humairah, Syakira, Muazzam, Nabeel, Syahmi & Unais.
Here's the great thing. My team won "The Best Cheer Award" despite Kak Zahidah complaining about it's crappy-ness. Hehe. Great Job sis!! Great Job too little ones: Aisyah, Humairah, Syakira, Muazzam, Nabeel, Syahmi & Unais.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's Crazy
Hur Hur. Today's Badminton match was somehow hilarious. Sec2A were the first team to lose. Wee!! And, and I am one of the substitute player. Ain't that funny? I never had the chance to hold a racket since the past few years. Today was my first time in 4 years holding a racket. I might add that it feels good. Anyways, after our team lost we get bored and buy instant noodle from the Internet Cafe *I think*. Get it finished and ran back upstairs, where the court was placed. It was very, very, very warm in the hall. The fans are not allowed to on. The windows were shut. Imagine how warm it is in that crampy hall. Blame it on the shuttlecock. Clock's ticking and we get bored by the second. Khodijah then came up with a crazy idea that is to cheer or more likely to scream for each winning team. Believe it or not we did that just to kill the boredom. It was actually fun even though we received a few dirty glares from some peepz. It was still fun cheering for "strangers". You guys should try it too. *winks*
Congrats to those who won the match=) Cheers!
Congrats to those who won the match=) Cheers!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Too much excitement
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!! sorry but I just need to post this, again.. WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! We WON!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!
Your Kidding Right?
Netball, Netball, Netball and more Netball... I suck at today's game. However, I think my team won.. The first half was alright until I got exhausted. Asma' discovered a talent today. She can actually shoot!! Dang, I was so nervous that she couldn't make it. But boy did she shine today, She's our saviour. Ok, ok about my suck-iness.. On Saturday we had our training and, remember about my injury that I had during the previous few months? *I mentioned it in my previous entry somewhere* Well, let's just make it short, the pain came back. With a scraped knee and injured arm I tried my best to focus and hopefully win gloriously and yeah!! we achieved that!! Anyways, we watched an interesting match today. Teachers vs. Sec 5. I didn't know who won it but the match was good. Congrats to all Netball Players. Credits to Afifah & Asma' for making the shots. =)
Cheers Gals! We did it!!
Cheers Gals! We did it!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
It's True
Surprising grades from my marked papers... Anyways i PASS MY MATH!! wow! I can't believe I PASSED MY MATH!! It's Math peepz.. Math!! and for me to pass it is a big deal and I need to shout it and spread it to the whole wide world!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Exam is Over!!
Good News is that exam is over!! Bad News is that I am not sure if i could score good grades for the papers. Nevertheless, There's a lot I need to do after exam season. Not important stuff lah don't worry. Things like, watching Spiderman!! I need to go shopping for new clothes and Shoes!! I need to sign myself into camps!! These are the things that I NEED not WANT. Get the difference?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Today was Mathematics Paper 1 & Tafsir. Math paper was a disaster, it can be described in only two words.. that is= SUSAAAAAAAAAAAH GILEEEEEEER!! I was out of breath once i finished that paper *not quite finished tho* , sweats dripping from my forehead- although the room was air-conditioned *ok, ok so I exaggerated a little*. I am half-way thru giving up on Math. *sigh* I thought T.Zul's paper was the most difficult one, never did i imagine that his sister's is much BETTER than his *sigh, sigh, sigh*.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Exam Fever
it was exam week, fortunately i haven't caught the flu yet*which has been bugging the entire school*. oral was so-so, i don't think i could score good grades for my arabic oral though.. the oral was damn crappy*thousand apologies*but it is crappy.. The funny thing about this year's mid-year examination is that I HAVE NOT STUDY!! oook.. thats not funny its creepy.. honestly, my grades will go down the drain.. i'll drop to my knees once i got the results.. my mom will nag 24/7 and there'll surely be no tv no camps no outings no computers no mp4 no phone calls during my june holidays..
Good Luck Everyone!! Cheers!
Good Luck Everyone!! Cheers!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
it's short
I suddenly had the urge to run yesterday. hmm, but that doesnt help me running away from my examination. Aaargh!! It's very soon. But yet here i am posting my rantings. Time is short. Life is short too. It felt as though you were just born yesterday and your life will be taken today. But for some reason, it felt as though the journey is too excruciating and the time is too slow to move along. For another reason, i was flabbergasted as to how i could reach this far in my life. I was the shy girl, the good girl. But today the reflection of me was somewhat different. Had i become a bad person? Had i changed that much? The exuberance of life continues as time blitzkrieg and challenge us. What if we failed to challenge it? What if I failed to challenge it? What will I become? I got to have a little faith, a little confident but mine are fading away in the darkest night. *Oh Allah please guide me thru this battle*
Monday, April 16, 2007
The field
"The field was once an empty green layout on the ground. Until one day it was discovered by a farmer. He then, nurture flowers. The flowers bloom every spring without fail. Everyday the farmer will come down to the field and tell himself "I am a farmer. Why do I nurture flowers instead of milking cows?". He then hire a gardener. The gardener was a grumpy one. He never watch his step. He will stamp his feet to the ground with his hard boots." This scenario is dedicated to Sec1B girls and the DM.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Pink, pink, pink and more Pink!!!
I'm Hating this pink skin already. Everything in my life is pink now. A pink lanyard a pink hp pouch. Hey, people can't you understand that i dun like pink!! Aaaaaaaargh!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Escape from Malay Lesson
Finally it was Friday. by 5 15pm I was already home. We were released early from school*heck with the excuses larh!* Just when i was about to lay on my bed, the phone rang. It was Speed *as usual* asking me random questions *or rather stupid questions* I assume he was bored. I got off the phone and on my mom's lappie and start on my project. It was still undone. Haizz.. But its ok. My group members are very cooperative. I am still working on the presentation. Alhamdulillah we're doing our job according to the plan. We decided to insert media player and a group picture.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
they're getting on my nerves!!
I was excused for flag day as i help the teachers for Primary 1 Entrance test. i hesitate to go the day before. however after today, I regret going to school!! Gosh those peepz are really getting on my nerves I can't stand them not even a minute. If only I couldnt control my anger.. I wouldnt vent them on the innocents. On second thought, I don't even have the authority to do that. I'm helpless, hopeless!! I don't think people are aware of my hatred towards them. I've tried to remain calm and not hating them. But they drove me insane!!! Why do they have to make people hate them?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
Hey there, i know, i know... it's been a week since my last post.. reason is that my arm was injured badly and my finger won't even flinch how teruk is that?? *sigh*
let's see, school re-opened. Surprisingly i'd memorised our DM's welcome back speech *he speaks the same thing every year* anyways back to my Monday.. Lessons as per usual and there came my math headache, attacking me.. Fortunately for 2A residents no homeworks flood yet. Not forgetting it's hard to write with a bandaged arm!!
My eyes were red and they seemed tired. Well it was probably the allergy.. So my mom sent me to the Eye Centre and after collecting the doctor's prescribtion we rush to school. I made it on time.
T. Zul is finally back!! He told us a very heart breaking story about his son*sobs*. We girls were nearly shedding tears but we manage to hold it back. I can't remember the later events of that day.
We had assembly. It was one of the debate competition. I think both team didnt ace it. It was rather a little boring as the speakers from the preposition kept repeating the same thing and i think they didnt pay attention to their opponent's speech. During that time also there were a few disturbing moments from the leaking air-conditioner and a falling chair. However i enjoyed the arabic version of THE BLACK PARADE!! u guys RAWK!! *hehe* Good Job.. Very Creative *We loike*
hrmmz... well.. kak Syahadah relief Ustaz AshBurn's period as he have to attend reservist or something like that. During her introduction she said not to call her Ustazah she's rather comfortable if we call her kak syahadah or by her name.. Then one of the guys said if he can call her adik *how cheesy is that?*...
Met kak Nisa and Abg Fauzi*is that the correct spelling?* As well as had peer tuition with Khodijah alone since Liyana cannot make it.
I met my close friend for ice-cream after my tuition lesson. Then. go straight home and slept until i lost track of time and missed my netball practice*it doesnt matter as my mom wont allow me to go since my arm is still hurting*..........
let's see, school re-opened. Surprisingly i'd memorised our DM's welcome back speech *he speaks the same thing every year* anyways back to my Monday.. Lessons as per usual and there came my math headache, attacking me.. Fortunately for 2A residents no homeworks flood yet. Not forgetting it's hard to write with a bandaged arm!!
My eyes were red and they seemed tired. Well it was probably the allergy.. So my mom sent me to the Eye Centre and after collecting the doctor's prescribtion we rush to school. I made it on time.
T. Zul is finally back!! He told us a very heart breaking story about his son*sobs*. We girls were nearly shedding tears but we manage to hold it back. I can't remember the later events of that day.
We had assembly. It was one of the debate competition. I think both team didnt ace it. It was rather a little boring as the speakers from the preposition kept repeating the same thing and i think they didnt pay attention to their opponent's speech. During that time also there were a few disturbing moments from the leaking air-conditioner and a falling chair. However i enjoyed the arabic version of THE BLACK PARADE!! u guys RAWK!! *hehe* Good Job.. Very Creative *We loike*
hrmmz... well.. kak Syahadah relief Ustaz AshBurn's period as he have to attend reservist or something like that. During her introduction she said not to call her Ustazah she's rather comfortable if we call her kak syahadah or by her name.. Then one of the guys said if he can call her adik *how cheesy is that?*...
Met kak Nisa and Abg Fauzi*is that the correct spelling?* As well as had peer tuition with Khodijah alone since Liyana cannot make it.
I met my close friend for ice-cream after my tuition lesson. Then. go straight home and slept until i lost track of time and missed my netball practice*it doesnt matter as my mom wont allow me to go since my arm is still hurting*..........
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My Week
My cousin came over to my place. We had steamboat for lunch. It was fun. After lunch we talk and talk *girls* until she has to go for work.
I had to go to school for Council Retreat. The objective of the Retreat was a little unclear?? *yeah i guess i should put it that way* ITE student council's president came over. He's pretty cool, Talked about a lot of stuff. his school, the people, the staffs, the cafeteria. *check out Broody's blog he notes everything down* . The best part is when Fana talk about councillors behaviour around other students, but i'm not sure if that particular group realise that it was them that we're emphasizing. *sigh*
I had netball practice @ 12pm. But i was late as i have to attend to Khodijah for peer tuition. I reached at the court 40mins later. After 15 mins of warm up we had friendly match with Al-Junied Girls, it was a good match. Unfortunately, just before the match ended i hurt my wrist and palm. And after awhile my whole arm started to ache. My coach then hunt for oinment and bandage from shop to shop, finally we got it @ one of the Chinese Medical Hall. After treating my arm, my close friend called me saying that he wanted to meet me. So, i board the train and meet him @ the mall. We had ice-cream *thanks mate u made my throat better*. I bought food for dinner, the hardest part is to carry the food with my left arm. But i managed to carry it safely back home.
Tuition!! tuition!! tuition!!
Here I am posting my blog. *aku tau lar tk penting*
My cousin came over to my place. We had steamboat for lunch. It was fun. After lunch we talk and talk *girls* until she has to go for work.
I had to go to school for Council Retreat. The objective of the Retreat was a little unclear?? *yeah i guess i should put it that way* ITE student council's president came over. He's pretty cool, Talked about a lot of stuff. his school, the people, the staffs, the cafeteria. *check out Broody's blog he notes everything down* . The best part is when Fana talk about councillors behaviour around other students, but i'm not sure if that particular group realise that it was them that we're emphasizing. *sigh*
I had netball practice @ 12pm. But i was late as i have to attend to Khodijah for peer tuition. I reached at the court 40mins later. After 15 mins of warm up we had friendly match with Al-Junied Girls, it was a good match. Unfortunately, just before the match ended i hurt my wrist and palm. And after awhile my whole arm started to ache. My coach then hunt for oinment and bandage from shop to shop, finally we got it @ one of the Chinese Medical Hall. After treating my arm, my close friend called me saying that he wanted to meet me. So, i board the train and meet him @ the mall. We had ice-cream *thanks mate u made my throat better*. I bought food for dinner, the hardest part is to carry the food with my left arm. But i managed to carry it safely back home.
Tuition!! tuition!! tuition!!
Here I am posting my blog. *aku tau lar tk penting*
Monday, March 12, 2007
Worst Day of My Life
hey there, as ya'll know i didnt make it to the next round. I dunnoe what lacks but definitely it saved me too.. as i didnt have to go through another sleepless night. I was dissapointed when my name wasnt announced, imagine this scenario: You just found out about it a week before, you have a lot of work to take care of, you search through the entire internet but came out empty handed, read a book which u need to finish before the next day, get the text ready, pass it to the teacher, which they add more, and you have to memorise it.. Man!! the pressure was on during that week. But i think i did really push myself to the limit as this was my first time getting involved in a syarahan. I admit i was nervous. But when i step up on the stage i feel like i was back in Al-Sagoff-as there were a few Al-Sagoffiatz as spectators-I'm making myself comfortable up there. Facing the judges was -ARGH!!- They were staring at me as though they're facing a criminal.
Only two supporters came down to Madrasah Wak Tanjong to support me. Thanks guyz=) I appreciate it. During my way home both supporters talk about the judges being bias -yadayadayadayadayada- but winning and losing is part of it, accept or deny. Broody was the only one who note down his analysis of the participants -what an enthusiasm mate!*winks*-
I had tuition lesson early in the morning. After tuition i had peer tuition with Khodijah. She decided to do it @ McDonald's. After we had our lunch we started the lesson. She was sneezing like hell. i asked her if she is sick she said she has sensitive nose -so do I- Unfortunately neither of us have a packet of tissue so I suggest she asked for serviette at the counter, but they only give us a few. Then, I came up with a brilliant idea: TOILET PAPER! It definitely is useful. -Hahaha- it was hilarious how we get the tissue.
MAI students had an Arabic Camp yesterday. The games was so-so. I didnt like the race game. It was a little ridiculous. Cherade was the most enjoyed one. Overall: Boring.
hey there, as ya'll know i didnt make it to the next round. I dunnoe what lacks but definitely it saved me too.. as i didnt have to go through another sleepless night. I was dissapointed when my name wasnt announced, imagine this scenario: You just found out about it a week before, you have a lot of work to take care of, you search through the entire internet but came out empty handed, read a book which u need to finish before the next day, get the text ready, pass it to the teacher, which they add more, and you have to memorise it.. Man!! the pressure was on during that week. But i think i did really push myself to the limit as this was my first time getting involved in a syarahan. I admit i was nervous. But when i step up on the stage i feel like i was back in Al-Sagoff-as there were a few Al-Sagoffiatz as spectators-I'm making myself comfortable up there. Facing the judges was -ARGH!!- They were staring at me as though they're facing a criminal.
Only two supporters came down to Madrasah Wak Tanjong to support me. Thanks guyz=) I appreciate it. During my way home both supporters talk about the judges being bias -yadayadayadayadayada- but winning and losing is part of it, accept or deny. Broody was the only one who note down his analysis of the participants -what an enthusiasm mate!*winks*-
I had tuition lesson early in the morning. After tuition i had peer tuition with Khodijah. She decided to do it @ McDonald's. After we had our lunch we started the lesson. She was sneezing like hell. i asked her if she is sick she said she has sensitive nose -so do I- Unfortunately neither of us have a packet of tissue so I suggest she asked for serviette at the counter, but they only give us a few. Then, I came up with a brilliant idea: TOILET PAPER! It definitely is useful. -Hahaha- it was hilarious how we get the tissue.
MAI students had an Arabic Camp yesterday. The games was so-so. I didnt like the race game. It was a little ridiculous. Cherade was the most enjoyed one. Overall: Boring.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Wooo Huuuu!!
End of test week peepz!! The television is now available at all times not restricted to certain times anymore-hehehe-I got surprising grades from my test-grinning-I was watching Men In Black when i realised i had to prepare the syarahan text b4 Monday, i quickly use Khodijah method of "cut and paste" and did some modification on the text and do my own research about the topic. Upon Men In Black's ending, the text is done-relieved-. It's not an easy job peepz, what more when you don't have the experience. As i told you from my previous post i was hoping to win-Ameen!-. But it takes a lot b4 we can finally achieve the victory. Hardwork, Desire, the Thoughts and the Passion that was put into the effort will eventually lead us to success.
On Monday:-
I woke up feeling lousy, maybe it was the late night? or was it the medicine? Argh! Nevermind.. Monday is the day where i dread going to school-peepz, who would want to go back to school when u had had wonderful weekends?-But life as a student. My Fiqh teacher gave us an advise regarding spending our time on holidays. She said that Students are the most carefree among the other group of people.
On Tuesday:-
I had to reach school early as i promised Sis Zana to help her with her debate competition. Alhamdulillah it went well despite me being late. Before going to school i accompany my mother and sister to the photocopy shop and then had breakfast @ McDonald's. We had English for our first lesson and it was my team's round to do our presentation. Re-Vamp all the slides earlier this morning. And alhamdulillah!! The teacher was impressed with our presentation. I also am busy with adding more points to my syarahan text. Credits to Ustazah Rusydah and Ustzh Zainab for that-hehehe- Syukran Jaziiiiilaaan!!!
On Monday:-
I woke up feeling lousy, maybe it was the late night? or was it the medicine? Argh! Nevermind.. Monday is the day where i dread going to school-peepz, who would want to go back to school when u had had wonderful weekends?-But life as a student. My Fiqh teacher gave us an advise regarding spending our time on holidays. She said that Students are the most carefree among the other group of people.
On Tuesday:-
I had to reach school early as i promised Sis Zana to help her with her debate competition. Alhamdulillah it went well despite me being late. Before going to school i accompany my mother and sister to the photocopy shop and then had breakfast @ McDonald's. We had English for our first lesson and it was my team's round to do our presentation. Re-Vamp all the slides earlier this morning. And alhamdulillah!! The teacher was impressed with our presentation. I also am busy with adding more points to my syarahan text. Credits to Ustazah Rusydah and Ustzh Zainab for that-hehehe- Syukran Jaziiiiilaaan!!!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Typical Weekdays to Spend
We had Nahu for the first period today. The teacher told us about KIPSAS and she encourage us to go there. According to her that was the best islamic college in Malaysia. During her story telling too i realised i had alot to do before 10 March. I was involved in some syarahan competition @ Wak Tanjong which i just found out like 3 dayz ago-ain't that too short?-and now struggling with the text and such. Hoping to b the winner tho-hahahaks!!- Man!! i deal with debates and such but when it comes to syarahan i'm screwed.-Calling to all Al-Sagoffiatz who had dealt with syarahan b4 please oh please help me-
Today i had fun during the ride home from school. The Hougangerz finally had a real talk. We are close but sometimes i feel that we dunnoe each other yet we noe each other well. Today we talk and talk and they finally know the truth why i switch school-dun tell anybody guyz-
On Wednesday i had tuition and then go to KKH to fulfil my appointment-hehe-The doctor who is teating me is getting more cheerful each day-wonder why-had X-ray and a new medicine for me. The thing is this medicine make me feel err.. uncomfortable?? yeah i think thats the appropriate word. Whenever i take that medicine i will have headache and abdomen pain-take time for it to last-I was reflecting what my teacher said to me. "we have to fight the illness and dun feel sorry for ourself" yeah that is 100% true. But does that mean skipping medicine and appointments is a good thing? Not saying that she is wrong, she had a point.
Tuesday was test day. I'm getting tired of test. but soon remind myself for my life as a student. During time like this i really miss my close friend, too bad can't contact him as his phone is now in mom's cluthes-hehe-
Today i had fun during the ride home from school. The Hougangerz finally had a real talk. We are close but sometimes i feel that we dunnoe each other yet we noe each other well. Today we talk and talk and they finally know the truth why i switch school-dun tell anybody guyz-
On Wednesday i had tuition and then go to KKH to fulfil my appointment-hehe-The doctor who is teating me is getting more cheerful each day-wonder why-had X-ray and a new medicine for me. The thing is this medicine make me feel err.. uncomfortable?? yeah i think thats the appropriate word. Whenever i take that medicine i will have headache and abdomen pain-take time for it to last-I was reflecting what my teacher said to me. "we have to fight the illness and dun feel sorry for ourself" yeah that is 100% true. But does that mean skipping medicine and appointments is a good thing? Not saying that she is wrong, she had a point.
Tuesday was test day. I'm getting tired of test. but soon remind myself for my life as a student. During time like this i really miss my close friend, too bad can't contact him as his phone is now in mom's cluthes-hehe-
Saturday, February 24, 2007
What a waste of time
Today was quite interesting, i was looking forward to go to the seminar organised by AMP-or so i thought it was-It was held at the sheraton tower. I was excited at first however when the emcee step her foot on the stage i was already half asleep, only kak farhana listened attentively to her speech-as always-During one of the speaker's talk i just realised that it wasnt a seminar but the launching of the project and guess what peepz?? it wasnt meant for us!! what the heck!! i had to waste $8 on taxi fare to reach school-as i overslept-and it wasnt meant for us!!!! but the food definitely paid off-hehehe-
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
my thoughts
Each day is the same in a sense that nothing interesting ever happens; same people and same meaningless drama that never stimulates. There is never a moment when something changes and you feel - alive. Sometimes you can't help but wonder that if something strange and unexpected did happen, would you even notice? After awhile life just becomes a series of actions that you go through, not really paying attention, just doing the moments. You end up not giving much thought to the decisions you make, because in the end it all comes out the same. There are never moments when you are left wondering if everything you knew could be questioned. Moments like that are what shape you and make you strong, but if one never had them, how could they learn?
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