Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Hey there, i know, i know... it's been a week since my last post.. reason is that my arm was injured badly and my finger won't even flinch how teruk is that?? *sigh*

let's see, school re-opened. Surprisingly i'd memorised our DM's welcome back speech *he speaks the same thing every year* anyways back to my Monday.. Lessons as per usual and there came my math headache, attacking me.. Fortunately for 2A residents no homeworks flood yet. Not forgetting it's hard to write with a bandaged arm!!

My eyes were red and they seemed tired. Well it was probably the allergy.. So my mom sent me to the Eye Centre and after collecting the doctor's prescribtion we rush to school. I made it on time.

T. Zul is finally back!! He told us a very heart breaking story about his son*sobs*. We girls were nearly shedding tears but we manage to hold it back. I can't remember the later events of that day.

We had assembly. It was one of the debate competition. I think both team didnt ace it. It was rather a little boring as the speakers from the preposition kept repeating the same thing and i think they didnt pay attention to their opponent's speech. During that time also there were a few disturbing moments from the leaking air-conditioner and a falling chair. However i enjoyed the arabic version of THE BLACK PARADE!! u guys RAWK!! *hehe* Good Job.. Very Creative *We loike*

hrmmz... well.. kak Syahadah relief Ustaz AshBurn's period as he have to attend reservist or something like that. During her introduction she said not to call her Ustazah she's rather comfortable if we call her kak syahadah or by her name.. Then one of the guys said if he can call her adik *how cheesy is that?*...

Met kak Nisa and Abg Fauzi*is that the correct spelling?* As well as had peer tuition with Khodijah alone since Liyana cannot make it.

I met my close friend for ice-cream after my tuition lesson. Then. go straight home and slept until i lost track of time and missed my netball practice*it doesnt matter as my mom wont allow me to go since my arm is still hurting*..........


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