hey there, as ya'll know i didnt make it to the next round. I dunnoe what lacks but definitely it saved me too.. as i didnt have to go through another sleepless night. I was dissapointed when my name wasnt announced, imagine this scenario: You just found out about it a week before, you have a lot of work to take care of, you search through the entire internet but came out empty handed, read a book which u need to finish before the next day, get the text ready, pass it to the teacher, which they add more, and you have to memorise it.. Man!! the pressure was on during that week. But i think i did really push myself to the limit as this was my first time getting involved in a syarahan. I admit i was nervous. But when i step up on the stage i feel like i was back in Al-Sagoff-as there were a few Al-Sagoffiatz as spectators-I'm making myself comfortable up there. Facing the judges was -ARGH!!- They were staring at me as though they're facing a criminal.
Only two supporters came down to Madrasah Wak Tanjong to support me. Thanks guyz=) I appreciate it. During my way home both supporters talk about the judges being bias -yadayadayadayadayada- but winning and losing is part of it, accept or deny. Broody was the only one who note down his analysis of the participants -what an enthusiasm mate!*winks*-
I had tuition lesson early in the morning. After tuition i had peer tuition with Khodijah. She decided to do it @ McDonald's. After we had our lunch we started the lesson. She was sneezing like hell. i asked her if she is sick she said she has sensitive nose -so do I- Unfortunately neither of us have a packet of tissue so I suggest she asked for serviette at the counter, but they only give us a few. Then, I came up with a brilliant idea: TOILET PAPER! It definitely is useful. -Hahaha- it was hilarious how we get the tissue.
MAI students had an Arabic Camp yesterday. The games was so-so. I didnt like the race game. It was a little ridiculous. Cherade was the most enjoyed one. Overall: Boring.
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