Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bring the crap out of me.

I woke up with a smile on my face. Finally I managed to have the time to chat with closety. Not that I miss him, I just miss talking to him. =D Happy! Happy!

But the chat was strictly merepek sey! =p
I was wondering, what's up with the school bell? It's two minutes late. My bus usually arrive at the bus stop at 6 35pm. With the school dimissal bell rings at 6 32. I have only 3 minutes to reach the bus stop. Considering the traffic, it is impossible to get there exactly 3 minutes. Unless I am very lucky everyday. And with the precious 2 minutes, the hougangerz missed the earliest bus to get home. Reason I'm blogging this? I dunnoe. I just feel like I need to type something really, very, absolutely crappy.

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