Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's Crazy

Hur Hur. Today's Badminton match was somehow hilarious. Sec2A were the first team to lose. Wee!! And, and I am one of the substitute player. Ain't that funny? I never had the chance to hold a racket since the past few years. Today was my first time in 4 years holding a racket. I might add that it feels good. Anyways, after our team lost we get bored and buy instant noodle from the Internet Cafe *I think*. Get it finished and ran back upstairs, where the court was placed. It was very, very, very warm in the hall. The fans are not allowed to on. The windows were shut. Imagine how warm it is in that crampy hall. Blame it on the shuttlecock. Clock's ticking and we get bored by the second. Khodijah then came up with a crazy idea that is to cheer or more likely to scream for each winning team. Believe it or not we did that just to kill the boredom. It was actually fun even though we received a few dirty glares from some peepz. It was still fun cheering for "strangers". You guys should try it too. *winks*

Congrats to those who won the match=) Cheers!

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