It started bad. Well, ends quite badly too. First year without my grandfather. It was hard. Though I've gotten used to it, but it's hard sometimes. Tough months. I hate 2008. The anticipation for a new year has died down.
I don't blame the year. Nor I blame anyone. It's just life. I wished I was a 5 year old girl in K1 enjoying books and a bunch of blocks, oh LEGO too!
2008. Goodbye. I don't wish to walk down memory lane. Not in the 2008 archives.
2008 is officially my worse year. 2005 is better, the year when my bestfriend left the world. That year is better than 2008.
Goodbye, 2008.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kisah Pak Cik
"Tuala2 tu.. Balik rendam air nye boleh minum, biar jambu.. Ah makan macam jamu.. Jangan lupe minum air yang rendam tuala tu.. Biar rajinnye melekat lama sikit.. Korang lain kali bile dah nak nikah nanti, cari laki yang tinggi dari korang.. Biar senang nak buat keje rumah.. Korang blaja silat kan..? Die malas korang hentam je kepale.. Tak yah pakai ilmu2.. syirik.. Tak bagus.. Lelaki biar tak handsome sikit, sikit je bukan banyak.. Yang penting kene tinggi.. Jadi nak pasang light bulb tak yah pakai ladder.. Korang budak madrasah kan? Ah bagus lah blaja agame. Memang lagi susah.. Tapi banyak advantage.." *And a whole lot of other things..
-Pak Cik.
This pak cik was funny.. We had a great time "hanging out" with him.. Thanks pak cik!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
In uniform order
2 more weeks. 17 days to be exact. Oh man, I am so not looking forward to homework, memorising, and a whole lot bunch of other things. I need more lengthy holidays, seriously! No kidding.
First week spent on settling down adjusting schedule and stuff. Luckily Cik Anuar is kind enough to let me off tuition this time.
Second week, lazing around and absorbing the fact that I'll be in sec 4. Time really escalated this year. I still remember T.Zubaidah saying about making and breaking and me worrying about it. Whatever it is I am so glad I made it through sec 3.
Third week is already hectic. Buying books and uniforms. Preparing for next year. Bla3.
I mean we don't even get a week of total relaxation during holidays. Ergh! Are we forced to grow up or what?
First week spent on settling down adjusting schedule and stuff. Luckily Cik Anuar is kind enough to let me off tuition this time.
Second week, lazing around and absorbing the fact that I'll be in sec 4. Time really escalated this year. I still remember T.Zubaidah saying about making and breaking and me worrying about it. Whatever it is I am so glad I made it through sec 3.
Third week is already hectic. Buying books and uniforms. Preparing for next year. Bla3.
I mean we don't even get a week of total relaxation during holidays. Ergh! Are we forced to grow up or what?
Friday, December 12, 2008
is love.
My new found love. Looks delicious eh? Well, it is. Very delicious in fact. Yup, this was the fries that I fantasized about. I FINALLY had it after 2 weeks of longing. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Friesku! I love the cheese and the crunch. Very crunchy yet the potato essence is still there. You know how some fries are nice but they taste salty and loss the potato-ness? My fries ain't any of that kind. It's cruncy on the outside but mashed in the inside.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Camp Camp Camp!
I know this is very random:
I put in my mind and say to my heart I CAN DO IT! hahaks! Sec 3 Camp memories. Yah, the one that I was totally drenched and Kak Aini purposely attacked me with water bombs. Kak Aini kau jangan macam2 eh! *She's a big bully.
I put in my mind and say to my heart I CAN DO IT! hahaks! Sec 3 Camp memories. Yah, the one that I was totally drenched and Kak Aini purposely attacked me with water bombs. Kak Aini kau jangan macam2 eh! *She's a big bully.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Gone Camping
Recently, I attended Sultan YS Bonding Camp. Well, let's just say it wasn't as great as sec 3 camp. But anyhow, it was only for $10. It has been a long time since I attended a very good camp. But this YS bonding camp somehow helped me to bond with others. It was fun.
1st Day: Nothing much happened. The whacko doesn't excite me. But seeing others play it happily I can't help but smile. Hey, a smile Will do right? 1st day was somber. Everything is ice breaking games. And that's it. Although very late at night I hung out with a bunch of strangers whom turned out to be very good listeners and chatters. Some really cool people. ;)
2nd Day: Oh boy! Bowling was.. err.. horrible for the first few games. Once I got a strike I'm pumped up to play. Mardi was superb sey! Fun2 with "bowling team" Lots of Laughs and stuff. I felt chilled. It made up the mundane 1st day. Then, Amazing Race. Oh God! It wasn't atrocious or anything. But making your way by foot to the destination is tiring. VERY TIRING! We mislead the 2nd stop and went all the way up to Fort Canning only to find nothing except....
A PERFORMING HADY MIRZA. uhuh. No kidding.
Hady Mirza was rehearsing for a concert or something. Stopped and enjoyed it a little before we head to the ACTUAL destination. Hehe! Sempat eh..
We were so lost and couldnt solve the mystery so we decided to ask for help from the Central Station. Thank you Abang-abang Fireman! You Guys RAWK! I don't know how many times we stopped at the gate and ask for directions from Abang Fireman.
Then, after all that tiredness went back to Sultan Mosque. Slept on the couch in the lobby or whatever you call it til about 6 45pm. The Unintentional nap.. Seriously!
I decided to skip the programme for 2 hours to attend my much important silat training.*Yes, yes Lya I know you miss me.=p And off again to Sultan. Tiring kan?? And my friend is already falling sick.. Which probably I will too.. Later that night, as I was happily drifted away *AAAAACHUUUUM!*
Searched frantically for tissue but found none. So I ran to the toilet. Pathetic Life. Sms-ed closety whether he got any medication, luckily he bought panadol cold and a packet of tissue and a bread and mineral water. Thank you Closety! =D
3rd Day: Nothing really happened. We had to draft an event and stuff. Then, cheer. Then go Home. HOME SWEET HOME!
*Nevertheless, I thank the YS for organizing this camp. Oh, and I finally met Zakaria!Unexepectedly. Tak tegur lah tapi.. Takut salah orang. Hehe. Tak ke paisey nanti.
Recently, I attended Sultan YS Bonding Camp. Well, let's just say it wasn't as great as sec 3 camp. But anyhow, it was only for $10. It has been a long time since I attended a very good camp. But this YS bonding camp somehow helped me to bond with others. It was fun.
1st Day: Nothing much happened. The whacko doesn't excite me. But seeing others play it happily I can't help but smile. Hey, a smile Will do right? 1st day was somber. Everything is ice breaking games. And that's it. Although very late at night I hung out with a bunch of strangers whom turned out to be very good listeners and chatters. Some really cool people. ;)
2nd Day: Oh boy! Bowling was.. err.. horrible for the first few games. Once I got a strike I'm pumped up to play. Mardi was superb sey! Fun2 with "bowling team" Lots of Laughs and stuff. I felt chilled. It made up the mundane 1st day. Then, Amazing Race. Oh God! It wasn't atrocious or anything. But making your way by foot to the destination is tiring. VERY TIRING! We mislead the 2nd stop and went all the way up to Fort Canning only to find nothing except....
A PERFORMING HADY MIRZA. uhuh. No kidding.
Hady Mirza was rehearsing for a concert or something. Stopped and enjoyed it a little before we head to the ACTUAL destination. Hehe! Sempat eh..
We were so lost and couldnt solve the mystery so we decided to ask for help from the Central Station. Thank you Abang-abang Fireman! You Guys RAWK! I don't know how many times we stopped at the gate and ask for directions from Abang Fireman.
Then, after all that tiredness went back to Sultan Mosque. Slept on the couch in the lobby or whatever you call it til about 6 45pm. The Unintentional nap.. Seriously!
I decided to skip the programme for 2 hours to attend my much important silat training.*Yes, yes Lya I know you miss me.=p And off again to Sultan. Tiring kan?? And my friend is already falling sick.. Which probably I will too.. Later that night, as I was happily drifted away *AAAAACHUUUUM!*
Searched frantically for tissue but found none. So I ran to the toilet. Pathetic Life. Sms-ed closety whether he got any medication, luckily he bought panadol cold and a packet of tissue and a bread and mineral water. Thank you Closety! =D
3rd Day: Nothing really happened. We had to draft an event and stuff. Then, cheer. Then go Home. HOME SWEET HOME!
*Nevertheless, I thank the YS for organizing this camp. Oh, and I finally met Zakaria!Unexepectedly. Tak tegur lah tapi.. Takut salah orang. Hehe. Tak ke paisey nanti.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My senses came alive as the aroma fill the room or booth in my case. Yep, I've been fantasizing about fries. Not any fries. The fries from banquet. The big fat lean features of the fries. *drools. I was lying on the bed in my aunt's room when kak ati came barging in and fantasize abt this particular fries. Hmm.. We're mad girls fantasizing about fries in bed.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I've been thinking. A lot of the workshops that I attended willingly or not has one thing in common. It remind us that we're not ready to face life. The recent camp however surprised me. Most of the workshops are about trusting, falling, standing up again, expressing and embracing. It is true that we have to embrace every moment. But I realised that most of us, are being difficult when it is time for us to embrace something bad. During one of the workshops too I realised how abandoned our Student Council is. Pretty bad I must say. Anyhow, I did enjoy the camp. Very, very, very much. Although I was super tired because I started packing at 4am. 6 hours before I have to leave home. Then, when everything is settled. Folded clothes are already ZipLocked I put it nicely in my backpack when I noticed a piece of white cloth in that backpack. I was startled knowing that it is use to cover the tombstone. Yes, yes I am talking about BATU NISAN's white cloth. I quickly zipped the bag and delay my packing til the next morning. I wasn't frighten I was so shocked. And it reminds me of my grandfather and brother and the bad experience that I personally experienced during one of my visits to the cemetery. It was so fresh in my memory that I had to quickly put the bag away. Tsk! Scaredy cat.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
matter of time
Sometimes I wonder what fate means. This never ending quest about why I did what I did. And the consequences of what I did. Some maybe unbearable some, are. Everything comes with a package. It's the matter of accepting the events of life. But being me, human that is, I often forget that everything happens for a reason. I find fault in everyone for every ugly event that happened. Then I realised there's noone to blame for whatever that took place. If I was to blame someone shouldn't I blame god for whatever happens? Because he let it happen? That isn't very fair is it? Blaming the one who gave me life to live. The least I could do is appreciate the strength that he gave me to face the downside of life. I don't have control over my life.
Sometimes we're too busy determining our tomorrow that we forgot about today. Maybe I should just let fate take control of my life and follow the flow. Afterall, life is life and fate is a part of life. Whatever will be, will be. I think I'll just have to accept it. Maybe. Amend my mistakes and continue my journey. Someone once said that there's no formula to happiness except the acceptance of what life has thrown to you. Maybe I should experiment this quote or maybe not.
Sometimes we're too busy determining our tomorrow that we forgot about today. Maybe I should just let fate take control of my life and follow the flow. Afterall, life is life and fate is a part of life. Whatever will be, will be. I think I'll just have to accept it. Maybe. Amend my mistakes and continue my journey. Someone once said that there's no formula to happiness except the acceptance of what life has thrown to you. Maybe I should experiment this quote or maybe not.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
get over it, seriously.
I'm pissed. I failed my biology and chemistry. Well, there's a first to everything. Am so freaking pissed because I actually studied both subject. Sat down for hours. Which is a rare sight of me. And yet, I failed both subjects. Friday is a heartbreaking and frustrating day.
I hate my current situation. I hate it so much. There's nothing much I can do, but to get through with it and get it over with.
~Sorry eh Lya I dragged you to Chai Chee.
I hate my current situation. I hate it so much. There's nothing much I can do, but to get through with it and get it over with.
~Sorry eh Lya I dragged you to Chai Chee.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Taggy Thingy
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must copy this survey on their blog and may replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this survey and those who have been tagged cant refuse to do it. These people must states who they were tagged byand cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets ?
- Yep. Everyone has one, don't they?
2. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you ?
- err.. Klau dah jodoh.. ok pe?? Haha! But no. I prefer not to.
3. Do you enjoy going to school ?
- Yeah! *Most of the time
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
- Backpacking. Paris, Milan, Germany, Brazil, Africa. And probably donate some.*ceh step baik jap =D
5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend ?
- No. NEVER!
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ?
- Both. =)
7. List out 7 favourite things that you like.
- NETBALL, silat, sneakers, sastera melayu, guitar, ice-cream, Frappe.
8. If you have one wish, what would it be ?
- Right now, reverse time.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
- Yeah!
10. What's the memorable thing anyone have done for you ?
- My surprise Birthday Party 2 years ago.. =)
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
- A better person of course!
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?
- Family, and I mean the entire family. Classmates. And Closety.. =)
13. What is being regreted as the most important thing in your life?
- So far mcm blum ade gitu.. hmm..
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
- erk.... dunnoe??
15. What is your favourite colour ?
- Greeeeen! Hidup Hijau!!
16. If you fall in love with two people similtaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick ?
- Alamak... Erm... The buddy-type.. the less mushy but romantic at the same time?? I dunnoe..
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done ?
- InsyaAllah
18. What do you want to tell the someone you like ?
- Err, "Hi excuse me, I THINK I like you, ok bye"
19. 5 people you've tagged.
- Z, Juana, Fadhilah, Afifah, Kin
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this survey and those who have been tagged cant refuse to do it. These people must states who they were tagged byand cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets ?
- Yep. Everyone has one, don't they?
2. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you ?
- err.. Klau dah jodoh.. ok pe?? Haha! But no. I prefer not to.
3. Do you enjoy going to school ?
- Yeah! *Most of the time
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
- Backpacking. Paris, Milan, Germany, Brazil, Africa. And probably donate some.*ceh step baik jap =D
5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend ?
- No. NEVER!
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ?
- Both. =)
7. List out 7 favourite things that you like.
- NETBALL, silat, sneakers, sastera melayu, guitar, ice-cream, Frappe.
8. If you have one wish, what would it be ?
- Right now, reverse time.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
- Yeah!
10. What's the memorable thing anyone have done for you ?
- My surprise Birthday Party 2 years ago.. =)
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
- A better person of course!
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?
- Family, and I mean the entire family. Classmates. And Closety.. =)
13. What is being regreted as the most important thing in your life?
- So far mcm blum ade gitu.. hmm..
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
- erk.... dunnoe??
15. What is your favourite colour ?
- Greeeeen! Hidup Hijau!!
16. If you fall in love with two people similtaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick ?
- Alamak... Erm... The buddy-type.. the less mushy but romantic at the same time?? I dunnoe..
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done ?
- InsyaAllah
18. What do you want to tell the someone you like ?
- Err, "Hi excuse me, I THINK I like you, ok bye"
19. 5 people you've tagged.
- Z, Juana, Fadhilah, Afifah, Kin
O to the V to the E to the R
Woooo Huuu! No sleepless nights anymore no miserable throbbing back pain!! *cheers* I can finally relax and watch tv and plug in my lonely earpiece which I abandoned for 3 weeks. Occasionally I plugged it in. Too tempting. But only for a song, or a few songs. And I slept for a maximum of 3 hours every night.. Tsk! Exam sure does has its own way of torturing people.
I wanna do a "say NO to exam!!!" campaign But do we have a choice? And who would fund my campaign anyway?
It's not about the late night, last minute revision. It's the result that scares me. I am 100% sure that I won't be smiling from ear to ear. U know, like the kids in SunKist advertisement, the one with oranges covering their teeth? Yeah, i won't be smiling like that. Or worst! I'll be crying like an old lady whose husband died.
Now that exam is over, I miss the early morning study meet ups at McDonald's! ='(
So much is happening lately. I've finally decided to let go. I'll feel empty. But it's better than crushing me..
I wanna do a "say NO to exam!!!" campaign But do we have a choice? And who would fund my campaign anyway?
It's not about the late night, last minute revision. It's the result that scares me. I am 100% sure that I won't be smiling from ear to ear. U know, like the kids in SunKist advertisement, the one with oranges covering their teeth? Yeah, i won't be smiling like that. Or worst! I'll be crying like an old lady whose husband died.
Now that exam is over, I miss the early morning study meet ups at McDonald's! ='(
So much is happening lately. I've finally decided to let go. I'll feel empty. But it's better than crushing me..
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Exam is a wreck so far. Sleepless night resulting to sleeping in the exam room. Which obviously, is a stupid thing to do.. Then, I forgot everything that I memorised the night before. If I weren't too nervous or too lazy to study earlier I could have score those papers. Never mind, what's done is done.
This week has been hell sey! Hafal menghafal je kerja aku.. Naik biol otakku! Then, McDonald's daily study meet. I am starting to put on weight since I literally eat McDonald's everyday! Gotta burn some fats after exam.. Grr! I hate running. Pfft! Nevermind, silat is starting soon.. Wooo huuu! Missing the silat~rians already..
Talking about silat, happy birthday Khair!
This week has been hell sey! Hafal menghafal je kerja aku.. Naik biol otakku! Then, McDonald's daily study meet. I am starting to put on weight since I literally eat McDonald's everyday! Gotta burn some fats after exam.. Grr! I hate running. Pfft! Nevermind, silat is starting soon.. Wooo huuu! Missing the silat~rians already..
Talking about silat, happy birthday Khair!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Flash Post
Hello world! I'm still Raya-ing..! Blame Lya for that.. haha! Spent nearly 3 hours at Cik Yati's place.. Doing nonsensical things.. oooh yeah, like playing iwth firecrackers at the corridor and stuff. Who the hell plays that on the errr.. 27th day of Raya?? Only us.. Lya, Semah, Amal and me.. Quite fun though.. Dah lame tak jadi kanak-kanak. Someone opt out since he played mercun in Taiwan.. Damn nice.. Wa mau pegi Taiwan oh.. The view was breathtaking.. Hmm.. And, and boleh main mercun! One problem though, Sape mau bayar wa punya flight tikit...? Mr ChoHan can?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Skipped school again... Yipppeee! No truancy intended here teachers. Plain old excuse, I'm sick and coughing up so badly.. I'm diligently doing my Biology homework which is suuupeeeer BIOL-ing my brain. Bio is such an interesting subject.. But there are times when I just feel like banging my head against a metal door. Concept is so easy to understand but to apply? O M G! And it doesnt help at all that I am usually sleepy during T. Syakir's lesson. Though I have no regrets choosing bio rather than physics..
~Exam oh exam kenapa lah kau menghancurkan semangat RAYA ku?
~Exam oh exam kenapa lah kau menghancurkan semangat RAYA ku?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I still have tuitions. In the morning! I am not a morning person.. Most schools finished their exaams. Mine haven't even started yet! Huhu~ Sungguh tak adil.. CryCryCryCry..







Anyhow enjoy some Raya pics! Yah i know it's a little late but who cares...







There's still a lot more. But most of it are with Amalina.. *Amal, I want those pictures fast!
of coughing syrups and F&N
Hie! It occured to me that my blog has been abandoned for quite a period of time. Oh, n Selamat Hari Raya! I've not been celebrating much this year. What's with exam coming up and the nasty flu that I caught from a box of milk. I was so scared that I drank that milk from China. Apparently, some shop-vendors refused to throw that crap out from their shops.. Tsk! buat susah orang je.. Anyhow, It has been more than a week already. The first few days, my fever wasn't consistent. When i went to the doc's she said it's probably an allergy. So, there's nothing to be worried of. But today, it's starting to scare me a little. I constantly cough. That my voice is now so very horrible but still manage to talk lah and I still have that annoying runny nose. And, now I am swallowing antibiotics.
Maybe, because of the jalan raya that I willingly invite myself to on Sunday. Or perhaps I am affected by the milk situation afterall.
Talking about jalan raya, I am sooo very sad that i missed Saturday's Raya outing. I gotta say that Saturday was the climax of my "flu". I missed a lot of houses, be it friends or teachers. But I still had the ketupat spirit in me! hence, explained the sick me raya-ing clad in blue kurung with my yellow sling bag as my companion. LOL. Tak senonoh! It was my first time raya-ing with a big bag. That never happens. I swear it won't happen again. Blame it on my tuition that I brought along that enormous bag with me to jalan raya.
Best part of Sunday is hanging out with the cousins. Wee~! Since most of them are already tertiary students we hardly meet or hang out at my grandma's house. Then, there are 5 of us taking O's this year. I've only met them about 10 times this year. Sufi now has a "personal friend" weird term right? We were all confused when he said "stop talking about my personal friend" I mean, aren't all friends personal? If you get what I mean lah. His personal friend bought him an original Levi's watch. If like that hor, I think i wanna get myself a personal friend too! Recommendations anyone? *jkjk
This year, was my first Raya without my grandfather. I felt the loss. I really do. I am not inspired anymore. My grandfather wasn't a successful entrepreneur or what. He's just an ordinary guy. But somehow listening to his "kampung days" and "zaman-zaman bujang" stories got me inspired. Nevermind the fact that sometimes he told us the same story twice. Victim of cancer. I really thought he's gonna pulled through because he responded when I told him that it was the first day of Raya that day. He smiled. Nothing's predictable.
~AAAAAAAAhhh! Exam! Exam! and I am not prepared!! Not even 0.1% prepared.
Maybe, because of the jalan raya that I willingly invite myself to on Sunday. Or perhaps I am affected by the milk situation afterall.
Talking about jalan raya, I am sooo very sad that i missed Saturday's Raya outing. I gotta say that Saturday was the climax of my "flu". I missed a lot of houses, be it friends or teachers. But I still had the ketupat spirit in me! hence, explained the sick me raya-ing clad in blue kurung with my yellow sling bag as my companion. LOL. Tak senonoh! It was my first time raya-ing with a big bag. That never happens. I swear it won't happen again. Blame it on my tuition that I brought along that enormous bag with me to jalan raya.
Best part of Sunday is hanging out with the cousins. Wee~! Since most of them are already tertiary students we hardly meet or hang out at my grandma's house. Then, there are 5 of us taking O's this year. I've only met them about 10 times this year. Sufi now has a "personal friend" weird term right? We were all confused when he said "stop talking about my personal friend" I mean, aren't all friends personal? If you get what I mean lah. His personal friend bought him an original Levi's watch. If like that hor, I think i wanna get myself a personal friend too! Recommendations anyone? *jkjk
This year, was my first Raya without my grandfather. I felt the loss. I really do. I am not inspired anymore. My grandfather wasn't a successful entrepreneur or what. He's just an ordinary guy. But somehow listening to his "kampung days" and "zaman-zaman bujang" stories got me inspired. Nevermind the fact that sometimes he told us the same story twice. Victim of cancer. I really thought he's gonna pulled through because he responded when I told him that it was the first day of Raya that day. He smiled. Nothing's predictable.
~AAAAAAAAhhh! Exam! Exam! and I am not prepared!! Not even 0.1% prepared.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
behold! the desperate post.
If u happened to come across my blog I just want you to know that I am irritated with your calls, messages, wishes. I dun have a clue as to how you managed to get my number. Even my home's! Just give up because I will never accept you.
I would like to walk down the streets feeling safe. I would love to board the last train/bus without being cautious. I want to shop without being watched. I want to eat peacefully.
You are driving me insane. I could hardly keep in touch with my sanity. You are the reason why I am having sleepless nights. How in the world did you know where I live? You freaked me out. You know too much about me, a little too much. Yet, I know so little about you.
I would definitely appreciate it if you leave me alone.
Stop calling me. Stop texting me. Stop STALKING me. Or you would prefer FOLLOWING rather than STALKING. You are not making me feel safe, but rather the otherwise.
I would like to walk down the streets feeling safe. I would love to board the last train/bus without being cautious. I want to shop without being watched. I want to eat peacefully.
You are driving me insane. I could hardly keep in touch with my sanity. You are the reason why I am having sleepless nights. How in the world did you know where I live? You freaked me out. You know too much about me, a little too much. Yet, I know so little about you.
I would definitely appreciate it if you leave me alone.
Stop calling me. Stop texting me. Stop STALKING me. Or you would prefer FOLLOWING rather than STALKING. You are not making me feel safe, but rather the otherwise.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
we did it..!
It's not something to be proud of nor was it something to be shame of. But it was hilarious and unexpected. 15 absentees? must be kidding right?? But that was what happened to my class. Form teacher skali absent. Rabak eh? hahahaks! We didnt expect that number of absentees though. Tak komplot eh teacher.....
We're just tired after the sleepless night or nights, in my case. Iktikaf was tiring but fun! Luckily I was teamed with the BEST people from each class.. Budak2 kecoh.. So the fatigue fades away by the presence of kecoh-ness.. And Raihana, that girl is one of a kind.. Still manage to run and fool around even when she's fasting and everybody is already tired. Excluding me and Ifah of course. You know, I know, we all know. Hehe! Alhamdulillah my team managed to finish the race. =)
After the race it's time to freshen up and shower. Then... Kak Dian, found a cute mouse. It's CUTE! believe me. Mcm nak bawak balik. If it's lucky, it can be my pet. Weirdo, I know. But it is CUTE! kak Dian was terrified by her discovery. So we teased her all the way til the next day. Tym die tengah tdo we decided to wake her up by telling her there's a mouse in the room. Hahahahaks! Her expression was priceless. Should catch that on camera *note to self*
As soon as I got home, I get myself cleaned and jump on my bed. Snuggled into my blanket and drifted off to LaLaLaLa Land.... But not for long.. Cos I had to help my dearest makcik with her Geylang stall.. Niwae readers, Pls come to her stall and buy kuih raya if you're lazy to bake your own.. This ad is brought to u by: FaddyFend. *Lame*
Ook i better get off this keyboard now as I started crapping already.
We're just tired after the sleepless night or nights, in my case. Iktikaf was tiring but fun! Luckily I was teamed with the BEST people from each class.. Budak2 kecoh.. So the fatigue fades away by the presence of kecoh-ness.. And Raihana, that girl is one of a kind.. Still manage to run and fool around even when she's fasting and everybody is already tired. Excluding me and Ifah of course. You know, I know, we all know. Hehe! Alhamdulillah my team managed to finish the race. =)
After the race it's time to freshen up and shower. Then... Kak Dian, found a cute mouse. It's CUTE! believe me. Mcm nak bawak balik. If it's lucky, it can be my pet. Weirdo, I know. But it is CUTE! kak Dian was terrified by her discovery. So we teased her all the way til the next day. Tym die tengah tdo we decided to wake her up by telling her there's a mouse in the room. Hahahahaks! Her expression was priceless. Should catch that on camera *note to self*
As soon as I got home, I get myself cleaned and jump on my bed. Snuggled into my blanket and drifted off to LaLaLaLa Land.... But not for long.. Cos I had to help my dearest makcik with her Geylang stall.. Niwae readers, Pls come to her stall and buy kuih raya if you're lazy to bake your own.. This ad is brought to u by: FaddyFend. *Lame*
Ook i better get off this keyboard now as I started crapping already.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I hate fevers.. I hate flu.. But now i'm stuck with the germs.. And, tuesday is the most important day in the week.. And I had to skip because of a nasty flu.. Did I mention how boring it is to sit at home and lay in bed all day..? Well, it is very boring..
~Btw, Ramadhan and school doesn't blend very well.
~Btw, Ramadhan and school doesn't blend very well.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday September babies! which includes me. hehe. Thanks everyone for the wishes and presents. Abg Lip, better late than never kan? Appreciate the 50mins late wish. =)
And best of all, I got a a new phone as a present! I didn't expect my mother would buy me a phone. I have been complaining that I need a new phone since forever. I guess she got tired of it. Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway it was C(902-200). She asked which phone I would like to have. I was contemplating to tell the truth. C902 is expensive. Extremely would be an understatement. Then I decided on a 3.2 MP camera phone. Functions are similar to C902. Except that one is obviously better. However I am thankful and contented with what I have now.
~I miss my birthday sundae from McDonald's. And this year no Swensens as my birthday fell on Ramadhan. And noone bothered, mainly me, to go to the 24hours outlet.
And best of all, I got a a new phone as a present! I didn't expect my mother would buy me a phone. I have been complaining that I need a new phone since forever. I guess she got tired of it. Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway it was C(902-200). She asked which phone I would like to have. I was contemplating to tell the truth. C902 is expensive. Extremely would be an understatement. Then I decided on a 3.2 MP camera phone. Functions are similar to C902. Except that one is obviously better. However I am thankful and contented with what I have now.
~I miss my birthday sundae from McDonald's. And this year no Swensens as my birthday fell on Ramadhan. And noone bothered, mainly me, to go to the 24hours outlet.
Friday, September 05, 2008
At last,
An outing that I've been longing for. Today however was Dee's Birthday Celebration at SiamKitchen. Courtesy of Zahroh. Hees! So much FUN. Dah lame tak jumpe.. duduk2 bebual.. Oh btw, closety and hanif ordered a one of a kind dish. Lazy man's crab or sumhting like that. When it was served, my jaw literally drop, then, I understood why it is called lazy man's crab. Wanna know why? Go to SiamKitchen to experience it urself!
And I bought two birthday gifts for the same person within an hour. dumb-day.
An outing that I've been longing for. Today however was Dee's Birthday Celebration at SiamKitchen. Courtesy of Zahroh. Hees! So much FUN. Dah lame tak jumpe.. duduk2 bebual.. Oh btw, closety and hanif ordered a one of a kind dish. Lazy man's crab or sumhting like that. When it was served, my jaw literally drop, then, I understood why it is called lazy man's crab. Wanna know why? Go to SiamKitchen to experience it urself!
And I bought two birthday gifts for the same person within an hour. dumb-day.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! It's FINALLY Ramadhan. Been waiting for this month since forever. 4 more weeks to Raya. Hehe. I finally got the chance to do some hardcore cheek-slimming diet. I couldn't sleep due to excessive excitement, and now it's 2am in the morning. And tomorrow is the official fasting day. Baaaaaaaaaah! I need to sleep. But my eyes are still wide open. And, everyone else has gone to sleep. At least, the reachable ones. Closety fell asleep while accompanying/sms-ing me.. hahaks! as usual. Funny lah that guy, so determined to accompany me but ended up flying to LaLaLand~
Couldn't log in to MSN since 2 hours ago, gee, I wonder why. Miserable night. Couldn't sleep, Couldn't log in to MSN. And my hp keep turning off by ITSELF! I seriously need a new phone. Anyone would like to buy me a new one? C902 would be nice.
Eh Zaki let's break fast at Breeks tomorrow.. Your treat, can can?
Couldn't log in to MSN since 2 hours ago, gee, I wonder why. Miserable night. Couldn't sleep, Couldn't log in to MSN. And my hp keep turning off by ITSELF! I seriously need a new phone. Anyone would like to buy me a new one? C902 would be nice.
Eh Zaki let's break fast at Breeks tomorrow.. Your treat, can can?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
P3 VS S3
An interesting difference of age eh? 15*Yes I'm 15 not 13. sec 3 not Sec 1!* against 9. Takut jugak nak lawan budak tu. It was time like this that I wish I was taller so I could sparr with people my own age and not someone younger. Cos truthfully, I'm afraid to hit them.
Niwae, Silat was super FUN. Highlight of the day. PHOTO TAKING OF COURSE! I Loike! wee~! Tapi sayangnye most of the pictures are still with Asmah. But nvm so far, this is what I have.
Niwae, Silat was super FUN. Highlight of the day. PHOTO TAKING OF COURSE! I Loike! wee~! Tapi sayangnye most of the pictures are still with Asmah. But nvm so far, this is what I have.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Happy Teachers' Day.
Thank you for everything teachers. (=
Yesterday was a great event. T.Bazitah was partially right when she said that Teachers' Day Celebration is more of Students' Day celebration. Indeed she was right. Let me reason out.
1) No Long Periods
2) No Pressing Calculator
3) No Punishments
4) We are allowed to party
But I do know that the teachers enjoyed it too. Otherwise, they wouldn't be crying when the end came.*which is a good thing because that means they want an encore. Yesterday was very emotional. Half of the girls population were already crying before the event ended. Sniffs can be heard everywhere. It was an emotional delivery by the sec 5. I was so closed to tears, but I refrained.
Our Award Show wasnt an absolute success, but we made it through. It wasn't fantastic but it was excellent! Yay! Amidst the stupid speaker and shortened time we made it an enjoyable one. Good Job everyone! Weeeheee~!
Sec5 '08 always amazed us with their performances, and for yesterday the "mixed martial art" and a little bit of Jabbawockeez by sec 1s and sec5s*did I miss anyone?* was COOL! I never thought the guys could pulled that off with their goofy-ness.
This year's organisation was new. Not like the previous ones. It was great. Gotta say I love the decoration. Can't get enough of the Masked-people performance lah sey!
Yesterday was a great event. T.Bazitah was partially right when she said that Teachers' Day Celebration is more of Students' Day celebration. Indeed she was right. Let me reason out.
1) No Long Periods
2) No Pressing Calculator
3) No Punishments
4) We are allowed to party
But I do know that the teachers enjoyed it too. Otherwise, they wouldn't be crying when the end came.*which is a good thing because that means they want an encore. Yesterday was very emotional. Half of the girls population were already crying before the event ended. Sniffs can be heard everywhere. It was an emotional delivery by the sec 5. I was so closed to tears, but I refrained.
Our Award Show wasnt an absolute success, but we made it through. It wasn't fantastic but it was excellent! Yay! Amidst the stupid speaker and shortened time we made it an enjoyable one. Good Job everyone! Weeeheee~!
Sec5 '08 always amazed us with their performances, and for yesterday the "mixed martial art" and a little bit of Jabbawockeez by sec 1s and sec5s*did I miss anyone?* was COOL! I never thought the guys could pulled that off with their goofy-ness.
This year's organisation was new. Not like the previous ones. It was great. Gotta say I love the decoration. Can't get enough of the Masked-people performance lah sey!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
to the one
To the one who treats me well,
To the one who cares for me,
To the one who makes sure I slept tight,
To the one who lends me his shoulders to cry on,
To the one who doesn't dare to hurt me,
To the one who understands me,
To the one who listens to my craps,
To the one who appreciates me,
To the one who supports me,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Rain, rain go away.
Been raining so heavily lately. Although I actually enjoy the chilly wind and creepy weather, I got tired of it. Possibly no netball ths week, so sad ley.. For those of you who didn't turn up for Ain's surprise birthday party you sure missed a hell lot! hahaks! It awesomely fun! But the cleaning part, is so not fun. And, and Congratulations liyana! Sabo pakai telur kau menjadi this year! Selalunye Pecah dalam kocek larhs, tu lah nie lah.. Will update more about this later.. Now no pictures lah..
Every student body is now busy with last minute preparation for this coming Friday. Can't wait to celebrate. Who cares about the outcome. Just believe in your hardwork, if you have none then, you should worry. Alhamdulillah, our event for this year's celebration is well organised. Disagreements are of course inevitable. I am a little nervous as to how it will be because we never pulled off something unusual. But it's going well so far. Need a little luck and faith. Hees!
I don't understand why you hang on me when you clearly act like you don't want me to be in your life.
~Why are we keeping secrets? Maybe they are embarrassing, personal and painful? Maybe without secrets our life would be less interesting, less entertaining.
Every student body is now busy with last minute preparation for this coming Friday. Can't wait to celebrate. Who cares about the outcome. Just believe in your hardwork, if you have none then, you should worry. Alhamdulillah, our event for this year's celebration is well organised. Disagreements are of course inevitable. I am a little nervous as to how it will be because we never pulled off something unusual. But it's going well so far. Need a little luck and faith. Hees!
I don't understand why you hang on me when you clearly act like you don't want me to be in your life.
~Why are we keeping secrets? Maybe they are embarrassing, personal and painful? Maybe without secrets our life would be less interesting, less entertaining.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I worry too much. Worry about stuff that I shouldn't be worrying about.
~Please give me the strength to carry on. Because I can't do it, alone.
~Please give me the strength to carry on. Because I can't do it, alone.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Outta My Head
I had nightmares about zombies lately. And, guess what? I am now very afraid to go to sleep. Yeah, you heard me. I am afraid to sleep. Hmph..~! Poor closety is now my til-i-go-to-sleep buddy. Thank You so much!
Today was fun. Went shopping with Amalina & Ain. Shopping for teachers' day stuffs and some of our own. Hehe. How come it is sooo difficult to find decent long sleeves dresses huh?
Not much things to blog actually. Was forced by that certain someone who happened to be named Fadhilah Ismail. =p
I finally got to savour the sweet taste of Ice Kacang. AAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhh! I miss that taste. Almost forgot how it tasted. Although it wasn't the best Ice Kacang I've ever had, it is enough for me to remember the taste of it. =D *dreamy smile
Oooooooh.. Ain's birthday is coming up. What should I get her? hmm.... Any suggestions? The tagboard is lonely ya know..?*hehe
Today was fun. Went shopping with Amalina & Ain. Shopping for teachers' day stuffs and some of our own. Hehe. How come it is sooo difficult to find decent long sleeves dresses huh?
Not much things to blog actually. Was forced by that certain someone who happened to be named Fadhilah Ismail. =p
I finally got to savour the sweet taste of Ice Kacang. AAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhh! I miss that taste. Almost forgot how it tasted. Although it wasn't the best Ice Kacang I've ever had, it is enough for me to remember the taste of it. =D *dreamy smile
Oooooooh.. Ain's birthday is coming up. What should I get her? hmm.... Any suggestions? The tagboard is lonely ya know..?*hehe
Sunday, August 10, 2008
9 August
Selamat hari kebangsaan! instead of going all Red and White with stars and a crescent I decided to keep my patriotism on the DL.
The day went as typical past years National Day. Woke up early in the morning since mom is home. And that means, House work. Doing the laundry, sweeping floors, cleaning up moi oh-so-very dusty room. That's the very main reason why I don't enjoy holidays.
~and my life couldn't get anymore duller than it already is....
This year's NDP is a little boring and dampening although someone claimed that it was "tersergam indah" just because he's one of the many NDP motivators. I didn't quite enjoy it. There were some "ooooohs aaaaaaaaahhs" moments but it wasn't as much as the past years.
And I am so missing Alsagoff's National Day Celebration! =(
The day went as typical past years National Day. Woke up early in the morning since mom is home. And that means, House work. Doing the laundry, sweeping floors, cleaning up moi oh-so-very dusty room. That's the very main reason why I don't enjoy holidays.
~and my life couldn't get anymore duller than it already is....
This year's NDP is a little boring and dampening although someone claimed that it was "tersergam indah" just because he's one of the many NDP motivators. I didn't quite enjoy it. There were some "ooooohs aaaaaaaaahhs" moments but it wasn't as much as the past years.
And I am so missing Alsagoff's National Day Celebration! =(
Thursday, July 31, 2008
~I'm gonna go random ok. Since my life is getting boring.
2 days of resting sure did wonders. Now all i want to do is SLEEP. I almost fell asleep for the whole 5 first periods. Tsk! Ruquiyah2!
My eyes went round and round and round and round and round. *sing-song tone.
Anyways, congratulations 3A! We won the debate! Arabic angkat ah eh! hahaks!
Gosh! I've been terribly tired and lazy since Qiyam. Seriously. Shouldn't qiyam supposed to motivate us to be more hardworking and err.. energised? Or maybe the seminar that I attended should be blamed? Just when the seminar is getting interesting and fun that is when my eyes started drooping.. Horrible. Luckily we had breakfast at BK, a hot milo to not get through the day. Milo just increased my sleepiness. ~sigh, sigh, sigh.
And so that was Saturday. And of course I was absent from silat. hees! It has been what? 3 weeks now that I not-so-mysteriously-dissapeared from silat. Dasyat2!
Slept for a total of 12 hours from Saturday night til Sunday morning. Then dearest closety woke me up to inform about Ghufran class. Haiyo! *bummer!
First lesson of silat since 3 weeks was err.. refreshing.. Luckily I had memorise the syllabus. wee~! The class was interesting lah. The girls there are all, little. Yet, insane. They are already THAT crazy at the age of 8-11. Only god knows how much I suffered chatting with them.
Then, comes the dreadful MONDAY. Got our maths test. It was alright. I know I could do better. But my grade was ok. Enough to survive sec 3.
~4 more months to go.
2 days of resting sure did wonders. Now all i want to do is SLEEP. I almost fell asleep for the whole 5 first periods. Tsk! Ruquiyah2!
My eyes went round and round and round and round and round. *sing-song tone.
Anyways, congratulations 3A! We won the debate! Arabic angkat ah eh! hahaks!
Gosh! I've been terribly tired and lazy since Qiyam. Seriously. Shouldn't qiyam supposed to motivate us to be more hardworking and err.. energised? Or maybe the seminar that I attended should be blamed? Just when the seminar is getting interesting and fun that is when my eyes started drooping.. Horrible. Luckily we had breakfast at BK, a hot milo to not get through the day. Milo just increased my sleepiness. ~sigh, sigh, sigh.
And so that was Saturday. And of course I was absent from silat. hees! It has been what? 3 weeks now that I not-so-mysteriously-dissapeared from silat. Dasyat2!
Slept for a total of 12 hours from Saturday night til Sunday morning. Then dearest closety woke me up to inform about Ghufran class. Haiyo! *bummer!
First lesson of silat since 3 weeks was err.. refreshing.. Luckily I had memorise the syllabus. wee~! The class was interesting lah. The girls there are all, little. Yet, insane. They are already THAT crazy at the age of 8-11. Only god knows how much I suffered chatting with them.
Then, comes the dreadful MONDAY. Got our maths test. It was alright. I know I could do better. But my grade was ok. Enough to survive sec 3.
~4 more months to go.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Call in sick
Today wasn't good. I am actually sick. Caught a very bad, nasty fever. Is it the flu season? Haizz.. I'm bored. to death i might add.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ez-link punye pasal..
I panicked when I realised my ez-link card is empty.
I stumbled and chuck a dollar coin in the thing-where-they-pay-the-bus-fare-with coins.
The apek looked at me weirdly.
Then said, "Ah Girl, go tap your ez-link card".
"Uncle, my ez-link empty already. I have no small change"
the machine beep! Ade $5 sey!
While the uncle smiled triumphantly along with other passengers, I just gave them a small smile.
Paisey aku! Ramai orang plak tu!!
I stumbled and chuck a dollar coin in the thing-where-they-pay-the-bus-fare-with coins.
The apek looked at me weirdly.
Then said, "Ah Girl, go tap your ez-link card".
"Uncle, my ez-link empty already. I have no small change"
the machine beep! Ade $5 sey!
While the uncle smiled triumphantly along with other passengers, I just gave them a small smile.
Paisey aku! Ramai orang plak tu!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
What do I do when the weather is bad?
What will I do when I'm soaking wet?
And the traffic was congested?
And I cancelled my plans with my favourite person in the world?
What do I need when I'm so damn pissed about it?
All I wish, is little delights that will enlighten me.
And so, that's what I got! ~Huhu!
Some yummy stuff along the way!
Wee~! All I need is one with a Million Joy.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Goodbye, Asma'
Yar I know she left about 2 weeks ago. I have not been updating my blog regularly since June holiday. The comp decided to have a vacation of its own. Anyways, Asma' left 2 weeks ago and I still wanna tell the whole world about the little party and stuff. Sadly enough, she left the school on her birthday. The motivated part of me, woke up at 5am in the morning to bake the cake. Well, it didn't take THAT much of a time to bake a cake. But since Friday is always a busy morning in my house so i dare not to take up the other's spaces. Or the cake would probably been thrown at me!
The original plan was to top the cake with Hershey's. But the buyer was late*as expected. Haha! no offence mal. Ain also volunteered to help decorate the cake. So, we used what is already in the kitchen's cabinet. The cake, honestly, was superb! I didn't say that just because I baked it. But its nice. I didn't expect it to be that nice. the cream was actually an experiment. And it turned out to be very nice and well, creamy.
Decoration courtesy of: Amalina & Ain
I know, It is not well decorated but it's still delicious so who cares!
Since one of Asma's best interest*and she's very good at it*is netball we wanted to surprise her with a little "departure netball friedly match" Unfortunately the team that was supposedly trash us at the game, last minute-ly cannot show up. And Asma' nearly didn't show up too! Eventually everything fell into place, well except for the team replacement. We played amongst ourselves, plus there's enough players. And the feast for that party is simply Munchy Donuts. Enough said right?
Psst! Pardon me for the nyonya-like behaviour. But Munchy's are so irresistible.
The rest are just some random photos. Good Luck Asma'!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Last Friday was a goosebumpy day. It was my first time sharing the experience with 2 other guys. I must say i was frightened. But I just kept a straight, cool, smiley face. It was a relief when the Pasir Ris peepz decided to accompany me to my stop. Otherwise, I would probably run the fastest time in my whole entire life. Heck! i could beat the world record holder for the most fastest runner.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
a-quarter experience of being a poly student
I woke up early today. First time this week. Past two days hasn't been good. I was trapped at home accompanied by dearest computer and not-very entertaining television shows. How I wish school is still operational. On the brightER side, I can wake up very early in the noon. and finish decorating and finalise the never ending battle organising my wardrobe and shelf units. Now it's clean I can *finally shop at IKEA. Ooooh and need new outfits too. My mother will most probably roll her eyes when I talk about clothes.
Today was very.. ummm interesting. Met Ain to go to AMP then to Ngee Ann Poly for the workshop. The workshop was beyond my expectation. I expect it to be indoor with cool environment and me dozing off to DreamLand. However, we get down, and get D-I-R-T-Y. Yup! *not that dirty, mind you! We played with soil. Cutting leaves. Play with soil and water. And joke about this particular helper's laugh. Sorry! The lecturer was erm.. gentle and very specific with his instruction. What I like about the whole experience is that, It is a one-on-one lesson. More attention is better right? But the extremely long adventurous walk on the pavement tire me out! With hills and the high staircase. I must have gained weight! I hate holidays! It makes me "increased in weight".
When there's Ruquiyah, there is always Ain. In pictures only, of course! *Suke sangat inter-frame.
The highlight of today is.... I met Ustzh Najihah at KFC! I was stunned! err.. ustzh-struck for awhile. She is a proud mother of one. Gave birth last month to a baby girl I think. Her baby was adorable. Unfortunately the abby wasn't with her just now. Still the same bubbly, and very small ustazah that I knew since Primary 5 or 4. Can't remember. Good news is I am taller or maybe the same height than/with her. I am sure I am taller than her by half an inch. Which means, I grew *and still growing!! Wee~!
Today was very.. ummm interesting. Met Ain to go to AMP then to Ngee Ann Poly for the workshop. The workshop was beyond my expectation. I expect it to be indoor with cool environment and me dozing off to DreamLand. However, we get down, and get D-I-R-T-Y. Yup! *not that dirty, mind you! We played with soil. Cutting leaves. Play with soil and water. And joke about this particular helper's laugh. Sorry! The lecturer was erm.. gentle and very specific with his instruction. What I like about the whole experience is that, It is a one-on-one lesson. More attention is better right? But the extremely long adventurous walk on the pavement tire me out! With hills and the high staircase. I must have gained weight! I hate holidays! It makes me "increased in weight".
When there's Ruquiyah, there is always Ain. In pictures only, of course! *Suke sangat inter-frame.
The highlight of today is.... I met Ustzh Najihah at KFC! I was stunned! err.. ustzh-struck for awhile. She is a proud mother of one. Gave birth last month to a baby girl I think. Her baby was adorable. Unfortunately the abby wasn't with her just now. Still the same bubbly, and very small ustazah that I knew since Primary 5 or 4. Can't remember. Good news is I am taller or maybe the same height than/with her. I am sure I am taller than her by half an inch. Which means, I grew *and still growing!! Wee~!
I tilt my head a bit in this picture. which looks like I am shorter. But trust me I am a bit taller or share the same height!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's about time for our family to expand! Thoriq took the big step last 3 weeks or so. yeah I know it is a late update. But as cliche as it sounds 'it's better late than never'. Anyway, Congratulations cuz! Whenever we visit them in Kuantan, Pahang. He never grew up. Teasing his brothers continuosly. Enlightening the atmosphere with his antics. Suddenly, the eldest is getting engaged. How ironic.
The theme for the engagement ceremony is purple. I hated the colour since it matched with pink. And I had to wear pink for that day.
I am currently out of vocabulary to describe the ceremony so let the pictures do the talking....
The theme for the engagement ceremony is purple. I hated the colour since it matched with pink. And I had to wear pink for that day.
I am currently out of vocabulary to describe the ceremony so let the pictures do the talking....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
looking forward...-->
Last Saturday's sparring was boring. I was getting into it when Wisyah got injured. A jaw for a leg eh? hehe. Seriously, that was unintentional. Sorry ya! really am.
Exam is over. Inter-madrasah is nearer. I'm not excited. I swear I will dread for that day. I guess the rest of the teammates are too. At least those from 3A will. hehe.
I did so badly for Mid-year this year. Seriously! I couldn't answer most of the papers. I think I might fail. ='(
Chemistry 50% chance of passing.
Fiqh, Mustholah, Hadith only 30%. even worse!
aaaaaaargh!! maths lagi jgn harap.
Exam is over. Inter-madrasah is nearer. I'm not excited. I swear I will dread for that day. I guess the rest of the teammates are too. At least those from 3A will. hehe.
I did so badly for Mid-year this year. Seriously! I couldn't answer most of the papers. I think I might fail. ='(
Chemistry 50% chance of passing.
Fiqh, Mustholah, Hadith only 30%. even worse!
aaaaaaargh!! maths lagi jgn harap.
Monday, April 21, 2008
here comes the rain
I'm down with a fever, again. The 2nd in 2 months. That is rare. I don't usually get sick consecutively. So skipped school today to rest. I am so bored! should just get up and go to school. But then again, I would probably fall asleep through out the entire school hours. Yup, I sleep most of the time when I am down with the fever. Which make me a very lazy person. ~even if I am not sick I am still lazy but its double laziness when am sick.
Anyway Maa'rif's competition was good. Arabiah deserved the second place, I guess. Congratulations to whoever wins it! The prize of $150 is tempting eh? It is tempting when you need fast cash.
Last week is a good week. Thursday is a winning day for 3A. We won the debate. Weee~! I thought we couldn't pull it off since it was a last minute discussion thingy. But we won! *celebration! someone needs to treat us since her class lost =p *just kidding
Anyway Maa'rif's competition was good. Arabiah deserved the second place, I guess. Congratulations to whoever wins it! The prize of $150 is tempting eh? It is tempting when you need fast cash.
Last week is a good week. Thursday is a winning day for 3A. We won the debate. Weee~! I thought we couldn't pull it off since it was a last minute discussion thingy. But we won! *celebration! someone needs to treat us since her class lost =p *just kidding
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I need more time pleaaasE?
Pause! I need to blog for a minute.
~Yay!! Manage to do some mind mapping and memorising done. Phew! I felt like it was just yesterday that I was procrastinating. I think I am the type that need to be pressurised then, I will work my *** off! Debate is tomorrow!! I am nervous! It's seldom for me to get nervous by "internal competition" *as said by cikgu kamalina. I need to chill.
n btw, Credits to AMALINA & DHIRAR for helping me out for the "external competition" that will be held at Maarif this weekend. *yelah, nanti aku blanje korang air seposen kat canteen tuhz! *kalau menang
Ok Play!
~Yay!! Manage to do some mind mapping and memorising done. Phew! I felt like it was just yesterday that I was procrastinating. I think I am the type that need to be pressurised then, I will work my *** off! Debate is tomorrow!! I am nervous! It's seldom for me to get nervous by "internal competition" *as said by cikgu kamalina. I need to chill.
n btw, Credits to AMALINA & DHIRAR for helping me out for the "external competition" that will be held at Maarif this weekend. *yelah, nanti aku blanje korang air seposen kat canteen tuhz! *kalau menang
Ok Play!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
a little dusty
long time never blog. It's been what? 2 weeks or so? Berhabuk! But it's better than a few mothns of not updating right? hehe.
Wednesday went for silat. Yah2 I'm a slow learner but on that particular day I am super slow. Seriously! I was frustrated myself. Then, my body was literally shaking. I felt like my eyes are battling to stay awake. What a hard day! Dusty blog, dusty memory, rusty brain.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Cry! Cry! Exam is in about a month from now. I havent start revising yet! And I am still in a I-am-already-in sec 3-daze state. I am so gonna slack this year. Parents are going to freak out. Closety will be there to nag/listen/advise/nag/comfort/nag again.
Anyways, about my interview a month back it just aired on the radio yesterday. Nabil just informed me. It was a one heck of crappy reply from me. I cracked my brain*til it actually might crack. But the part that I thought I nailed it wasn't aired. ='(
This is the following link. Enjoy! oh btw Miss Fadhilah U spell my name wrongly lah it's SITI RUQUIYAH. But at least you pronounced it well after a few times of trial! *why did my father spelled it that way.
Wednesday went for silat. Yah2 I'm a slow learner but on that particular day I am super slow. Seriously! I was frustrated myself. Then, my body was literally shaking. I felt like my eyes are battling to stay awake. What a hard day! Dusty blog, dusty memory, rusty brain.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Cry! Cry! Exam is in about a month from now. I havent start revising yet! And I am still in a I-am-already-in sec 3-daze state. I am so gonna slack this year. Parents are going to freak out. Closety will be there to nag/listen/advise/nag/comfort/nag again.
Anyways, about my interview a month back it just aired on the radio yesterday. Nabil just informed me. It was a one heck of crappy reply from me. I cracked my brain*til it actually might crack. But the part that I thought I nailed it wasn't aired. ='(
This is the following link. Enjoy! oh btw Miss Fadhilah U spell my name wrongly lah it's SITI RUQUIYAH. But at least you pronounced it well after a few times of trial! *why did my father spelled it that way.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Can it be any faster?
Time is pacing slowly. Everything happens in a slow motion. And I started to procrastinate, yet again. There is a pile of homework on the desk but I don't even bother to touch/look at it. I did push myself, but something is always there to pull me back, *laziness. I have serious issue with this thingy. I don't like being lazy when I know something must be done quickly. Unless there is nothing left for me to do, i really like the feeling of being lazy. Plus, Mid-Year is just around the border and at the outskirt of the border, ready to attack schools. My mind is still asleep it is not waking up anytime sooner. I am desperately in need of some inspiration or motivation or whatever I am suppose to need to push my "i-am-stressed-out" button. Can time speed up a little?
~"Steady feet, don't fail me now, gonna run till you can't walk, something pulls my focus out, and I'm standing down"
Netball Best!! But players/teammates were late.. Super uber LATE! Nabilah sempat bawak turun nasi lemak lagi.. Hehe.. But it was really fun when the rain started to pour very heavily. At first I thought it was a silly idea but it was fun. Some serious FUN finally, in Netball.
Khodijah showed me her dancing skill+silat moves.. Wakakakakaka! Which was ermm... all over the place*for the silat lah.. kekekeke.. But the dancing.. YOU RAWK KHODY...!! *pakcik2 tu gatal eh? dah tua pun tak sedar diri.. tsk3!
~you have my soul. leave me my heart.
Khodijah showed me her dancing skill+silat moves.. Wakakakakaka! Which was ermm... all over the place*for the silat lah.. kekekeke.. But the dancing.. YOU RAWK KHODY...!! *pakcik2 tu gatal eh? dah tua pun tak sedar diri.. tsk3!
~you have my soul. leave me my heart.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Come on...
Anyone care to buy me a new phone? My faithful phone been sold to Amalina since hers RIP already.. and my current phone, is nazak-ing.. It is bloody irritating when I was chatting with my friends and poof! It off on its own! Magic tricks eh? That's how smart my phone is. Mom, please get me a new phone. Please! Please! Please!
Yay!! Finally dapat blaja seni!! wee!! I was waiting for this moment lah sey! A little dissapointed when Cik Yati said she can only select three of us to learn Regu. Since there were four of us I gave in to Darwisya.. Kesian plak dia.. But thn when Cik Yati realised yang kat situ semua budak2 kecik then she let me join the Tunggal class.. Wooo huuu!! Jumping with joy! But then after awhile I was jumping with frustration oi! Terkial2 following kin and lya's steps. Sorry guys, kene repeat je because of me *gendeng.. Tapi fun.. A little frustrated but fun...! Now I forgot some of it already.. How forgetful.. *gendeng
Monday, March 17, 2008
To realise
To realize The value of a sister:
Ask someone Who doesn't have one.
To realize The value of ten years:
Ask a newly Divorced couple.
To realize The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize The value of one year:
Ask a student who Has failed a final exam.
To realize The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize The value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.
To realize The value of one minute:
Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize The value of one-second:
Ask a person Who has survived an accident.
To realize The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in theOlympics.
To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.
Time waits For no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Badminton Tournament was tiring. And as usual, I suck at it.
I was thinking to go to the IT Show today since yesterday was so pack! With my height, I hardly see any exhibition. It was then, that I wish I wear some 3 inches high heels instead of the very flat flats that I wore. Anyway, I bought another piece of the portable charger since the old one was "infected" by the alkaline. It's ROSAK already. It's cheaper. I bought the former charger at $20++ but I bought this one at only $18. Including a few free stuffs. I wasn't expecting that much of people. they look like the pilgrims performing the Arkaan obidiently. Oh and I bought a 1GB flashdrive for only $9.50 or so.. More than 50% discount.
I was thinking to go to the IT Show today since yesterday was so pack! With my height, I hardly see any exhibition. It was then, that I wish I wear some 3 inches high heels instead of the very flat flats that I wore. Anyway, I bought another piece of the portable charger since the old one was "infected" by the alkaline. It's ROSAK already. It's cheaper. I bought the former charger at $20++ but I bought this one at only $18. Including a few free stuffs. I wasn't expecting that much of people. they look like the pilgrims performing the Arkaan obidiently. Oh and I bought a 1GB flashdrive for only $9.50 or so.. More than 50% discount.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
loosen up
Yesterday was fun guys. Thanks for the "outing aka project completion meeting". We were assigned to go to the library but the library is getting bored of books and I guess they replaced most of it to some technological source of information called GOOGLE. Since, we can't find the ingredient for our project. We hit the food outlets. Ended up eating at ZamZam. Since we failed searching for available tableS at Banquet. And since KFC closed down for a renovation. After eating, most of them decided to go home. Astrogerl, Fadhilah and I still wanna hang around not wanting to go home yet. And so, we found out about the Step Up 2: The Streets contest. It was an unintentional visit. It is proven that Singapore do have some talents in the street performances department. (=
After Bugis visit and went home for a quick change of attire, I went to esplanade to take a peek at the ******* dudes for their upcoming competition. They're doing great! It's a pity that I've quit doing that thingy. )=
Monday, February 25, 2008
Left Behind
Man, I can't believe it's been two weeks or less since JUMPER's release. I still haven't catch the movie yet, since I am so-very busy with school, plus when I am free I don't have company. I hate watching movies alone. What more in cinemas. I feel like I am making a fool of myself. Laughing alone. Gasping alone. Yeah, I tend to gasp A Lot when watching movies. Sometimes I am the extra soundtrack of the movie. Hey, maybe, Academy award should add a new segment "The most Supporting Audience" what do you think? Those movie freaks surely win.
Things accomplish in February:
-I manage to save my prepaid credits until the end of the month.
-I manage to understand what exactly this one particular ------ teacher was teaching.
-I manage to pass all the tests. *Quite an achievement. I haven't been revising regularly.
-I manage to keep in touch with my girl-friends.
-I manage to have a good relationship with whom I don't like. *Not hate.
-I manage not to rebel against school rules. *i hafta admit it is tempting to break it.
-I manage to survive this year's Qiyamullail. =)
Unaccomplished This far:
-Watch movie. *Never watch a single new-release-movie this year. I shocked myself.
-Shopping. *I need new sneakers & clothes.
-Revision. *Getting lazier by the minutes.
-Clean my room. *I only manage to tidy up my wardrobe.
-Hang out with Alsagoffiatts. *Since I'm in the afternoon session.
-Buy new phone. *My phone drives me crazy.
-Lose a little amount of weight.
Things accomplish in February:
-I manage to save my prepaid credits until the end of the month.
-I manage to understand what exactly this one particular ------ teacher was teaching.
-I manage to pass all the tests. *Quite an achievement. I haven't been revising regularly.
-I manage to keep in touch with my girl-friends.
-I manage to have a good relationship with whom I don't like. *Not hate.
-I manage not to rebel against school rules. *i hafta admit it is tempting to break it.
-I manage to survive this year's Qiyamullail. =)
Unaccomplished This far:
-Watch movie. *Never watch a single new-release-movie this year. I shocked myself.
-Shopping. *I need new sneakers & clothes.
-Revision. *Getting lazier by the minutes.
-Clean my room. *I only manage to tidy up my wardrobe.
-Hang out with Alsagoffiatts. *Since I'm in the afternoon session.
-Buy new phone. *My phone drives me crazy.
-Lose a little amount of weight.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Test week is killing me! What more with the unfinish-ing projects. Everytime when it seemed that we're finishing, something unexpected happens! Booo Huuu!!!
OOOhh.. The new school rules are killing me too. No staying in class during recess hour?? Say whaaaaaaaat?? It was due to some theft being reported. Although I am totally against this rule. I still saw the bright side of it. It is childish actually. Anyway, an accident happened right before my eyes just now. Involved an Arabian. Surely DM will make an announcement regarding this matter and soon, ban Jay walking. It is banned in the first place, but circumstances pushed us to do so. If I use the traffic light that was located a few metres away from school to get to the bus stop it would have taken at least 7minutes to get to the bus stop. Minus waiting for the bus. Minus me walking home from my stop. Minus me walking up the staircase. and soon, the clock strikes at 8pm. Minus the "oh-so smooth" traffic. I'll be waaaaaaay too late for Maghrib prayer.
OOOhh.. The new school rules are killing me too. No staying in class during recess hour?? Say whaaaaaaaat?? It was due to some theft being reported. Although I am totally against this rule. I still saw the bright side of it. It is childish actually. Anyway, an accident happened right before my eyes just now. Involved an Arabian. Surely DM will make an announcement regarding this matter and soon, ban Jay walking. It is banned in the first place, but circumstances pushed us to do so. If I use the traffic light that was located a few metres away from school to get to the bus stop it would have taken at least 7minutes to get to the bus stop. Minus waiting for the bus. Minus me walking home from my stop. Minus me walking up the staircase. and soon, the clock strikes at 8pm. Minus the "oh-so smooth" traffic. I'll be waaaaaaay too late for Maghrib prayer.
Friday, February 08, 2008
After I came home from school, mother suddenly announce that we're going to JB and stay at my grandmother's "Banglow di Lereng bukit" for a good one day. But I was too tired to hear what she was saying. I passed out once I finished my maghrib prayers only to wake up at 12am to answer a call (I still hate it when people interrupt my sleep). I sleep for 10 hours this days. I usually need a minimal of 4 solid hours to sleep. Yes, sleep not nap. But now I doubled the hours, more than double, infact. Back to JB trip, so mother woke me up at 3am and I pack my homework (pathetic eh?) and we hit the road before the crack of dawn. I didn't tell anyone that I was going away. I continue sleeping (in the car) after performing Subuh prayer. I was shocked to wake up only to find I have 15 messages on my handphone. I was only gone for two hours (From Subuh) and they thought I was missing. *Ape saje lah orang-orang nie. I wanted to apologise if I worry the 12 people who finished my global credits with their incoming messages. The trip was unexpected okay?
We ended up spending the night there. I slept for a good 2 hours once we reached the "banglow di lereng bukit" and 3 more hours after Zuhur. And 8 hours during the evening. And spend another 2 hours sleeping in the car when the traffic was congested at the immigration. What's wrong with my sleeping disorder?
I admit that homeworks, projects and stuff tire me out. but it's not like I haven't been to this kind of situation before.
To the cousins, I enjoy the chat. We hardly ever see each other since last year. Once we meet, we talk crappy stuff. But it is always Enjoyable+Fun (with a capital F).
We ended up spending the night there. I slept for a good 2 hours once we reached the "banglow di lereng bukit" and 3 more hours after Zuhur. And 8 hours during the evening. And spend another 2 hours sleeping in the car when the traffic was congested at the immigration. What's wrong with my sleeping disorder?
I admit that homeworks, projects and stuff tire me out. but it's not like I haven't been to this kind of situation before.
To the cousins, I enjoy the chat. We hardly ever see each other since last year. Once we meet, we talk crappy stuff. But it is always Enjoyable+Fun (with a capital F).
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Exhaustion day is on Friday. Period. No elaboration. Weekends is a no-no. No shopping-spree with Amalina anymore. Even Sunday-Netball team-Training must cancel or put on hold for this month. Too much homeworks. So little time. Sometimes, I refrain myself from sleeping. My shoulders are turgid-not in a good way. My class are not allowed to leave most of our books in the cupboard. The books pula, damn thick lah! My shoulders are tired! Maybe need to change bag or something *a reason to shop!
My mother is more strict now. Haizz. Considering that I usually hit the pillows at around 3-or later- in the morning. Starting of February is not a good sign at all. January is more fun. January please come back!
Bragging about not enough time I almost forgot about Chinese New Year Holiday!! Yay! Finally some room to breathe. But still, I will or might be occupied with homeworks. That's what teachers do. They envy holidays or us enjoying holidays.
Oh btw, Happy Birthday Closety!
Say goodbye to outings Ruquiyah.
My mother is more strict now. Haizz. Considering that I usually hit the pillows at around 3-or later- in the morning. Starting of February is not a good sign at all. January is more fun. January please come back!
Bragging about not enough time I almost forgot about Chinese New Year Holiday!! Yay! Finally some room to breathe. But still, I will or might be occupied with homeworks. That's what teachers do. They envy holidays or us enjoying holidays.
Oh btw, Happy Birthday Closety!
Say goodbye to outings Ruquiyah.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I got homework nearly everyday! Minus, the additional classes I enroll. I am officially busy and selfish.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
up, up and away!
“Life isn’t Candy Land, it isn’t a fantasy, where you can create the perfect ending, and cue the music, and make people’s decisions for them. It’s reality. And reality is perverse and imperfect and it isn't fair, and the timing is never right, but you don’t get to run away from it into some safe little movie."
The above quote has got nothing to do with this post actually. Just something I wanna share. hehe. For some weird reason I felt very energetic today. But the head is still pounding.
The above quote has got nothing to do with this post actually. Just something I wanna share. hehe. For some weird reason I felt very energetic today. But the head is still pounding.
Monday, January 21, 2008
aching all over.. the mind is too..
I'm weaker at math now. Statistics and graphs weaken me. I don't really blame the topics though. I myself haven't been paying attention during the lesson. Over the past few days my head feels like it was bang-ed against the trash can. Yup, can. Should I blame it on the scorching-during the afternoon-sun? Hmm.. But it has been raining heavily for these past few days. Whatever it is it send my head spinning. Seriously. I had a hard time sleeping. Not balancing well. Talking crap! Poor closety is my victim of insomnia. Hur Hur.
Despite the pain. I manage to find a reason to have fun. Undying adoration for...Netball! (ps: and someone too)*grin. Went for my regular training with the girls. It was so much fun and too much screams.. Maybe I was exposed to ringing screams. That's the potential reason for my headache I guess?? Or maybe not.
To add the pain there's my Quran memorisation. I don't really know how does my new Quran teacher's syllabus work. And triple homeworks given during weekends. Hand in on Monday. Then, come a new set. Some may wonder "And I still have time to blog?" blogging is my break from this "madness"(According to Mr F). I need to let out my thoughts at least once a day. Ok, back to Quran lessons. It's stressing me out. What I usually did is I finish up the whole lot of surah. Then, I go for my gradings. Because, I will always forget the previous verse that I have memorised. But it's otherwise with this teacher in charge.
Maybe, I should just quit my other unnecessary yet important classes. But I can't. I'm not a quitter. and what more I don't feel pressured by this "madness"
I thought that my headache was because of the stress. But i've been having it regularly since early October. And that was way before this "madness" entertains me. I seemed to enjoy all the classes that I attend and enroll myself into. What cause the headache?
I hate scraped knees! It hurts! I can't bend it. *like Beckham* Boooo Huuuuu!!!! This is what happened when we are so into the games that we forgot to cool down afterwards. It cause aching to the joinings and muscle. Have a nice day people!!
Despite the pain. I manage to find a reason to have fun. Undying adoration for...Netball! (ps: and someone too)*grin. Went for my regular training with the girls. It was so much fun and too much screams.. Maybe I was exposed to ringing screams. That's the potential reason for my headache I guess?? Or maybe not.
To add the pain there's my Quran memorisation. I don't really know how does my new Quran teacher's syllabus work. And triple homeworks given during weekends. Hand in on Monday. Then, come a new set. Some may wonder "And I still have time to blog?" blogging is my break from this "madness"(According to Mr F). I need to let out my thoughts at least once a day. Ok, back to Quran lessons. It's stressing me out. What I usually did is I finish up the whole lot of surah. Then, I go for my gradings. Because, I will always forget the previous verse that I have memorised. But it's otherwise with this teacher in charge.
Maybe, I should just quit my other unnecessary yet important classes. But I can't. I'm not a quitter. and what more I don't feel pressured by this "madness"
I thought that my headache was because of the stress. But i've been having it regularly since early October. And that was way before this "madness" entertains me. I seemed to enjoy all the classes that I attend and enroll myself into. What cause the headache?
I hate scraped knees! It hurts! I can't bend it. *like Beckham* Boooo Huuuuu!!!! This is what happened when we are so into the games that we forgot to cool down afterwards. It cause aching to the joinings and muscle. Have a nice day people!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I've been busy with classes that the only person I am in contact is closety and randy. How's the others doing eh? I totally shut off from the outside world. This is what happened when I am too occupied with classes that I don't even have the time to losen up. The only hing I do now is watch tv or surf the net. booo huuu!! *pathetic lah sey
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
2008 is definitely better. Although death of the loved ones keep saddening me. How I wish they were there to see my achievements. To guide me from my failure. But I guess everything is not in our control. And, I have to move on. Keeping up with the pace of life. Everything is just in a whirl. It feels like it was just yesterday that I chatted with my alsagoffiatts. Hanging out with the crazy bunch of s***** dudes. Complaining to my mother. Hugging my dearest Kina. Laughing with Zaki. Lectured by Arasy. Comforting Fatin. Fighting with Khair. Fooling Groovie with my grandfather. But all good things do come to an end. Am just moving on with the flow of my life. Although my heart is aching to go back to that treasured moments.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Normally, I hate thunder but today's heavy rain somehow changed my mind. Gotta say I hate it but listening to it actually soothe me. I know I'm a weird person!
Bring the crap out of me.
I woke up with a smile on my face. Finally I managed to have the time to chat with closety. Not that I miss him, I just miss talking to him. =D Happy! Happy!
But the chat was strictly merepek sey! =p
I was wondering, what's up with the school bell? It's two minutes late. My bus usually arrive at the bus stop at 6 35pm. With the school dimissal bell rings at 6 32. I have only 3 minutes to reach the bus stop. Considering the traffic, it is impossible to get there exactly 3 minutes. Unless I am very lucky everyday. And with the precious 2 minutes, the hougangerz missed the earliest bus to get home. Reason I'm blogging this? I dunnoe. I just feel like I need to type something really, very, absolutely crappy.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I need to change, fast!
School has been great! 2008 is great! The new subjects look okay. Not much of work and stuff. Maybe, it is all introduction games. However, I am not comfortable with the new spectacles, tudung and uniform. Everything seem very, very wrong. And yes, Akir was right. *not was, is* I am getting selenge each day. hehehe. The spectacles can't stay put at my bridge. it keeps falling off and the pair makes me look gandmother-ish. I hate this new pair of spectacles!!!!!!!!!
The tudung sort of covering my eyes. And it makes my cheek bulge. that is so wrong. And not presentable. And I am uncomfortable. But anything else is just fine. Beyond fine, actually.
The tudung sort of covering my eyes. And it makes my cheek bulge. that is so wrong. And not presentable. And I am uncomfortable. But anything else is just fine. Beyond fine, actually.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Anymore chocolate?
It's the first week of school days and I'm already sick! :'( Woke up with a very bad headache. Itchy throat. My mother blamed it on silat training. I hope I can still go for training. But I swear it wasn't the training. Maybe, I'm tired trying to adapt with the new schedule and such.
Anyways, I am hooked to this particular chocolate. I know I hate chocolates. But this chocolate makes me feel better when I am having fever. But, I haven't seen any of this type of chocolate being sold at any candyshop. =(
Anyways, I am hooked to this particular chocolate. I know I hate chocolates. But this chocolate makes me feel better when I am having fever. But, I haven't seen any of this type of chocolate being sold at any candyshop. =(
Thursday, January 03, 2008
School re-opened yesterday. So to fellow students. Welcome Back to your respective school!! The teachers sure had plan their speech before they present them. Anyway, how come this year there's a lot more lecture rather than welcoming speech. And, the speech started just a few hours after the first "bell" *or whatever u call them* for Secondary Azkar.
Nothing much about school. Just the usual. Welcome speech, school regulations, same old stuff that we hear all over again. Tired of it? Well, I am not. It just amazed me how predictable teachers' welcome back speeches are. No offence eh, but that is true.
Remember 3A: "Sec 3 will either break you or make you" So let's show that we are the best of the best product that MAI has ever produced! Mwahahaha! Too much enthusiasm for the second day of school right? Well, what can I say.. I am in the best mood!
Nothing much about school. Just the usual. Welcome speech, school regulations, same old stuff that we hear all over again. Tired of it? Well, I am not. It just amazed me how predictable teachers' welcome back speeches are. No offence eh, but that is true.
Remember 3A: "Sec 3 will either break you or make you" So let's show that we are the best of the best product that MAI has ever produced! Mwahahaha! Too much enthusiasm for the second day of school right? Well, what can I say.. I am in the best mood!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I survived!
Happy New Year everyone! Celebrated New Year with my ownself. Counting down til midnight arrives. At first, I was planning to go to Marina Bay to watch the fireworks. Just to cheer myself up for the new year. But then, thinking that my parents would probably flip out or would definitely fall asleep, I put that thought aside. Celebrating new year by myself is quite fun actually. Countdown alone. Watch late night movies alone. Snacking alone. I was so used to being alone anyways. But that was after Khair's unexpected death. Oh and did I tell you that not a single soul wish me a happy new year? But I was glad that they didn't actually. Oh yeah.. Lonely New Year Celebration. But, in a way I felt better because New Year is finally here! =D
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