I've been having this headache since i caught a fever last week. I am still coughing.. Still having runny nose.. but no high temperature! Thats a good thing right?
Anyways, tomorrow is Teachers Day! Although I don't really like to celebrate it
as teachers never celebrate childrens day or youth day for that matter. Thats not the main reason, of course. It's just plainly dumb to perform a skit with morals such as " listen to your teachers", "we listen and we obey" and more...... but doesn't preach them. Or worst, i hate this phrase "hari ni minta maaf, esok buat lagi" Practically and typically, students will do just that. I mean thats what all human do right? Nobody is perfect. No matter how hard we try, we either be better or stays the same. ARGH! My class is full with fickle minded students. They often change their mind, opinion and decision. *
i guess this exclude me* Firstly, we decided to try something new. We wanted to perform a musical. However someone stood up and said "I wanted it to be safe" and playing safe are we. We decided to perform a skit for the teachers which in my opinion is the most boring performance of all time. Not only did my class chose that boring performance they also keep changing the scipt! Oh dear! God please help me. Save from all this nonsensical its-getting on my nerve-joke.
Screw that! I have no authority to question their decision. Hmph!
Ustaz Huzaifah's advice wake me up somehow. He said that You Can't Please Everyone in Everything You Do. It suddenly pang me. I've been trying hard to accept people for who they are. But I guess I haven't achieve my goal yet.
~The imperfection of human beings are the reason why the world looks perfect. You can't enjoy the highs without going through the lows.